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President Donald Trump is continuing with his policy of "maximum pressure" on Iran, promising "major" sanctions on the regime. "We're putting additional sanctions on [Iran]," he told reporters before leaving for the Camp David. His administration was "moving rapidly" towards rolling out new sanctions, he added.

In a major shift, Germany has acknowledged Iran's involvement in the last week's attacks on two tankers in the Gulf of Oman. German Chancellor Angela Merkel declared that their was "strong evidence" that Tehran was responsible for the attacks on the tankers.

The British intelligence agency MI5 foiled a significant bomb plot linked to Iran-backed Hezbollah terror outfit, London-based Daily Telegraph disclosed. The British intelligence service and the Metropolitan Police uncovered a secret bomb factory in North West London in the autumn of 2015. They recovered thousands of packets containing ammonium nitrate, an explosive ingredient often used in homemade bombs.

The United States has sanctioned Iran's biggest oil company because of its links to the country's Islamic Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), a designated terrorist group. Tehran's Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (PGPIC) and its 39 subsidiaries have been providing "financial lifelines to the IRGC," the U.S. Treasury Department said.

Facebook and Twitter have announced the decision to crack down on thousands of Iran-linked accounts carrying out disinformation campaigns in the United States. The move comes after a California-based cybersecurity company, FireEye, exposed an elaborate online network being operated from Iran. Some of the fake accounts from Iran were impersonating Republican congressional candidates, the company disclosed Tuesday.

Iran is close to reaching an oil sales deal with the European Union, in direct violation of the U.S. sanctions, Reuters reported. The EU and Iran were "on the brink" of an oil agreement, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Zarif confirmed Tuesday.

Commemorating Iran's National Nuclear Day, President Hassan Rouhani announced that the Islamic Republic would soon make advanced centrifuges operational, the Washington Free Beacon reported Thursday. Rouhani, according to the report, which was based on a translation by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), not only announced the installation of 20 IR-6 centrifuges but seemingly threatened, "If yesterday you feared our IR-1 centrifuges—well, here you go!" He also boasted that during the past year "we have acquired missiles and weapons that you could not have imagined."

The White House has officially designated Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO). In a statement, President Donald Trump said that he and the Department of State "recognizes that Iran is not only a State Sponsor of Terrorism, but that the IRGC actively participates in, finances, and promotes terrorism as a tool of statecraft" and that the IGRC is the Iranian regime's "primary means of directing and implementing its global terrorist campaign."

Britain is set to join the United States in banning the Iran-backed terrorist group Hezbollah. The United Kingdom’s home office is expected to make a formal announcement barring the Shi'a Islamist outfit from the country later this week, Reuters news agency reported Monday. The UK had outlawed the military wing of the Hezbollah in 2008, allowing its 'political' wing to operate in the country.

In what can only be described as another diplomatic victory for President Donald Trump's administration, European countries have stopped importing Iranian oil. The Iranian regime has admitted that European buyers have refused to touch Iranian oil despite temporary waivers extended to them by the United States. "No European country is buying oil from Iran except Turkey," Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh said.

We have been following the developments related to Canada's arrest of China’s Huawei Technologies Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou, who faces extradition to the United States on suspicion she violated U.S. trade sanctions against Iran. The Department of Justice officially unsealed charges against the tech giant, the executive, and several subsidiaries, alleging the company stole trade secrets and misled banks about its well as violating U.S. sanctions.