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Hillary Clinton Tag

So the American intelligence community has declassified a report that supposedly shows that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a campaign to influence the election in favor of President-elect Donald Trump. However, the report includes circumstantial evidence. They provided no concrete evidence that shows Putin sat down with his Kremlin cronies to orchestrated a campaign to make Hillary Clinton lose. They also concentrated on RT, formerly known as Russia Today, with a brief mention of the phishing schemes that led to Wikileaks publishing emails from the DNC and Hillary campaign chair John Podesta.

Until recently, it wasn't known which of the living presidents would attend Trump's inauguration. Jimmy Carter was quick to accept the invitation but George W. Bush had reasons to skip the event due to the many clashes between Trump and Jeb Bush. Bill Clinton had an even more obvious reason to be busy that day. It turns out everyone is going, even Hillary. New York Magazine reports:
Bill and Hillary Clinton Will Attend the Trump Inauguration Bill and Hillary Clinton have decided to attend the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States, according to two sources with knowledge of their plans. The Clintons will join former Presidents George W. Bush and Jimmy Carter, who have also announced that they will attend. George and Laura Bush said today that they would be present “to witness the peaceful transfer of power.”

During the election cycle, the Clinton Foundation and its funding were a significant issue: After the election, reports were that the donations and the speaking fees were drying up. Perhaps that is why The New York Posts now notes that former President Bill Clinton is offering to match contributions to the foundation in an email plea?

On Thursday, President Barack Obama passed sanction against Russia for allegedly interfering with our presidential election. This includes expelling 35 diplomats and closing down two compounds. Two weeks ago, Politifact ran an article to call President-elect Donald Trump a liar about his doubts on Russia and accusing Obama of not acting against Russia until after Clinton lost. On Twitter, @neontaster pointed out evidence that contradicts Politifact's "facts." It turns out, the administration has known for months about Russian involvement and did absolutely nothing because they thought Hillary Clinton would beat Donald Trump. No concerns about our national security because they thought their candidate would win.

President Barack Obama has placed more sanctions against Russia and expelled intelligence operatives from America for allegedly interfering with our 2016 election. The sanctions include expelling 35 Russian intelligence officers and closing two Russian compounds. The FBI and Department of Homeland Security found some information that Russians may have phished into the Democratic National Committee over the summer. (Before I go on, I need to correct the media. NO ONE hacked the election. Saying Russia hacked the election implies Russians invaded our voting booths and physically changed votes. That did NOT happen.)

Well, look at this! Politico has revealed that those in the electoral college who wanted to cause a ruckus on Monday kept in close contact with Hillary Clinton's top aides Jake Sullivan and Jennifer Palmieri. Politico reported:
The first conversation appears to have occurred on Nov. 29, when Sullivan and other aides joined a conference call that included Colorado elector Micheal Baca, a member of a group working to persuade Republicans in the Electoral College to abandon Trump. Baca relayed the group’s long-shot strategy: to persuade Democratic and Republican electors to unite behind an alternative candidate to Trump. In an email after the call, Baca apologized to Sullivan for his urgent tone.

A New York judge has unsealed the search warrant giving the FBI permission to search a laptop belonging to disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner and his estranged wife Huma Abedin, one of Hillary Clinton's top aides. The FBI began an investigation into Weiner after it emerged he sexted with an underage girl. The investigation revealed a laptop that may have had new information for the FBI's investigation into Hillary's private email server, which Director James Comey closed in July.

Going into Monday, leftists and celebrities tried to persuade electors in the Electoral College to vote for anyone but President-elect Donald Trump. It's all the media has covered, but hiding underneath that remains the disdain and anger Democrats have for their own party. When electors met to vote, several electors for the Democrats defected or attempted to defect. Seven electors tried to vote against Hillary with four succeeding in Washington. Trump easily won with 304 electoral votes.

Texas has given President-elect Donald Trump 36 electoral votes, pushing him to 304 electoral votes. He needed 270 to secure the presidency. Today is the day! The Electoral College across the nation will meet and cast its vote for the next president of the United States of America. President-elect Donald Trump won 306 electoral votes on election day, only needing 270 to win the election against Hillary Clinton. Remember, though, that Congress will officially count the votes on January 6. I have updated the post below the jump. Keep checking back!

Professor Jacobson has covered the Democrat's futile attempt to mount an electoral college insurrection in the hopes of turning over the results of the recent presidential election. Monday morning, establishment media outlets along with a bevy of Democrats decided Russia was to blame for Hillary's embarrassing electoral loss. The sudden, unified chorus was an amusing sight to behold. I blogged:
The Russian hacking/tainted election story line is a particularly fascinating coping mechanism in leftist elite circles.

The Russian hacking/tainted election story line is a particularly fascinating coping mechanism in leftist elite circles. All signs point to a painfully out of touch party platform, the world's worst presidential candidate, and a fundamental misunderstanding of the political landscape, yet Democrats are blaming the Russians for their embarrassing electoral loss. Worse still, there's no new evidence to suggest Russians swayed election results. Sure, the Wikileaks stuff was nasty, but that's old news. Should it be investigated? Probably. Though the same people demanding an investigation into this alleged hacking's electoral impact NOW also declared with certainty that Hillary's home-brewed server was never infiltrated by foreign foes. It's almost like this story line was cooked up as a last ditch effort to overturn the election results. Almost.

Since the night of the election, when media coverage of election night went from joyous to stunned to near-weepy, the progressive left has been in a self-righteous lather about President-elect Trump's victory.  They are pulling out all stops in an effort to undermine President-elect Trump and his presidency.  Indeed, they seem intent on seeing that he not take office at all. Blaming everything and everyone but themselves and their candidate (with a few notable exceptions), the left took to the streets to riot, they took up their pens to advocate the end of the Electoral College, they bully and harass electors attempting to sway their votes, and they've recently landed on Russian involvement in the elections.

After an event on Capitol Hill Thursday night, Hillary was greeted by a group of young supporters who sobbed profusely when meeting the failed presidential candidate.

Remember when Hillary insisted that if Donald Trump wouldn't accept the results of the election, he was threatening our democracy? She doesn't. Neither does Jill Stein, apparently. In a new video, Bill Whittle explores what's really going on here and suggests this is all bout de-legitimizing Trump's victory. Just think back to George W. Bush and "selected not elected." Here's a partial transcript of the video from Truth Revolt:
Bill Whittle's Firewall: Hillary's Final Disgrace Well, as I write this, the Clinton campaign has decided to join in the three-state election re-count launched by Jill Stein, who, like all communists, is eager to raise a lot of money – around seven million dollars, so far. That means that Jill Stein has raised twice as much money to RECOUNT votes as she did trying to get them in the first place.

Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government holds a forum with the presidential campaign teams every four years after the election. This year provided more entertainment than usual as Hillary Clinton's team once again melted down and blamed everyone for her loss...everyone except her. The prime suspects in Hillary's team's eyes? FBI Director James Comey, unfair media coverage (go ahead and laugh at that one...I did), an unfair "double standard" because Hillary's a female (SEXISM!), and the Russians.