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Health Care Tag

From Glenn Kessler of WaPo:One can certainly raise serious questions about whether the Republican plan is adequately funded and, over time, would shift too much of the financial burden to beneficiaries. One could also question whether the elderly would be eager to navigate different choices...

Several readers wrote to me asking me to post on this.  It certainly is worth noting, because Elena Kagan's involvement or not in whatever Obamacare appeals make their way to the Supreme Court could make a difference.Justice Kagan did not recuse herself from consideration of Virginia's...

That's saying a lot.Unlike the children who run the Democratic Party, Clinton recognizes that Medicare and other entitlements must be reformed, and that the Democratic Party is harming the country by making "do nothing" the main focus of Democratic Party campaign strategy:But ABC News was behind the...

Just a quick follow up to my post Bye-Bye Brown.This analysis by Nate Silver of how Republicans may reach a "tipping point" on the Ryan budget as there begins a trickle of defections, and how damaging Scott Brown's Politico op-ed was (emphasis mine): More recently, Senator Scott...

No not Newt. The hype about Dems running ads in 2012 with Newt's criticisms of Paul Ryan is way overblown.It's Ben Nelson, Democrat from Nebraska, who is running for reelection and splitting with his party over the mandate:Don't expect much to be made of Nelson's...

(Originally posted 5/12/11, but lost in the Big Blogger Blackout of 2011, brought back to life courtesy of the Restore Honor and Sanity (and missing Legal Insurrection posts) Project)Gravitas, what we need is Gravitas. A mind so large it can create a unified theory of everything,...

As if Part 1 were not enough. Via Infowars (h/t @ProfBainbridge): -------------------------------------------- Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube Visit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress! ...

ScotusBlog is reporting that the U.S. Supreme Court, without any dissents noted, has passed on the application of the State of Virginia for expedited review of the case now on appeal to the 4th Circuit.  The District Court in Virginia had ruled the health care mandate...

You think dealing with insurance companies is hard, at least you have choices, for now. Once government takes over, you get what you get, just like at the airports now. And fighting with an insurance company may land you in court, but fighting with the...

From a recently rediscovered colleague:"Government continues to struggle with the most mundane of tasks, including counting votes. Yet many people want it to take on vastly more sophisticated projects, like running health care."His blog is here.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection...

Washington, D.C. is shocked to find that AARP may have had a financial incentive to push Obamacare:"The report also details the Democrats’ health care law’s significant cuts to Medicare Advantage (MA) and how the interplay in the marketplace between MA and Medigap will increase Medigap...

I appeared yesterday as a guest of Mark Carbonaro of KION 1460 in Monterey, California, to talk about the March 3, 2011 decision of Judge Roger Vinson in Florida granting a stay of his prior health care ruling which had held the health care mandate to be...

That seems to be the import of the ruling by federal Judge Gladys Kessler in upholding the Obamacare mandate in a suit brought by a group of private plaintiffs in Mead v. Holder (pg. 45, emphasis mine):As previous Commerce Clause cases have all involved physical...

We have seen the future of the health care system, and it is the doctors on the streets of Madison, Wisconsin, handing out free sick notes to public sector union members so they can fraudulently collect their pay for missing work.Boy, oh boy, I can't...

Jennifer Rubin makes the argument that Mitt Romney was the big loser at CPAC because Romney failed to address Romneycare, contributing to the narrative that Romney has no politically good explanation.  According to Rubin, a simple mea culpa would help tremendously:Romney has a huge problem...

A column by James Taranto, 'Death Panels' Revisited (via Instapundit) points out:Obama ran for office on opposition to the individual mandate, then made it the centerpiece of his signature legislative initiative. Perhaps this should have been "lie of the year." At, it wasn't even a...

Everyone is all excited because some South Dakota legislators have proposed a mandate requiring each citizen to own a gun (h/t reader Brian):Five South Dakota lawmakers have introduced legislation that would require any adult 21 or older to buy a firearm “sufficient to provide for their...

Thanks to readers Robin and Michael for the link :--------------------------------------------Related Posts:How Liberal Journalists Think Liberal Taxes ExplainedFeminism ExplainedMeet The Liberal Elite.Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...