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George Soros Tag

It's okay when the Democrats do it. It's okay when it's George Soros. Soros started Democracy PAC in 2019 to help Democrats in 2020. I'm guessing he is seeing a deer in the headlights because he cut the PAC a $125 million check. Soros told Politico the...

A 45-year-old parolee named Troy McAlister should have been in prison on New Year's Eve, but instead of facing the Three Strikes life prison term he had earned through his criminal acts, he was set free by San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin. Since his April 2020 release, McAlister was arrested multiple times and released each time, with not even parole violation charges pursued. McAlister, whose long rap sheet includes robbery and carjacking, was reportedly in a stolen car and under the influence of drugs and alcohol when he ran a red light and plowed into two pedestrians, both of whom died.  McAlister fled the scene.

Back in 2018, Katy Grimes wrote about leftist billionaire George Soros funneling millions into U.S. District Attorney races across the country. Apparently, the investment is paying off now.  Soros-backed Saint Louis Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner reportedly declined to prosecute those arrested for looting and rioting.  More than 30 people were released from jail.

As we noted in 2018, leftist billionaire George Soros has been focusing his intricate web of foundations, super PACs, and assorted organizations on the nation’s District Attorney offices. Since that time, Capital Research Center has done amazing work in uncovering the extent of Soros' involvement in transforming our criminal justice system from the bottom up.

As we noted in 2018, leftist billionaire George Soros has been focusing his intricate web of foundations, super PACs, and assorted organizations on the nation's District Attorney offices. Across the country, Soros-affiliated groups have backed far-left radicals for the office and have seen some success.  One example is Larry Krasner in Philadelphia, and another, as of yesterday, is self-proclaimed socialist Chesa Boudin in San Francisco.