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Free Speech Tag

In March of this year, a mob of students at Middlebury College in Vermont stormed into a talk by sociologist Charles Murray. After shutting down the event, the mob chased chased down Murray and ultimately sent a professor who was assisting him to the emergency room. Since then, the school has claimed twice that students were being disciplined but refused to release details about any punishment. Now we know why. There wasn't any. Scott Jaschik reports at Inside Higher Ed:
No Suspensions Seen at Middlebury More than two months after Charles Murray visited Middlebury College and was shouted down there, the college has finished reviewing and in some cases punishing students who were involved in preventing him from giving his talk.

In disturbing parallels to the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and the Weather Underground of the 1960's, we are seeing a small band of violent radicals attempt—and thus far succeed—in imposing their will on Americans.  The terrorist acts that the SDS and Weather Underground engaged in are what we most remember, but it's worth noting that they, too, started out with threats, riots, and destruction of property during their "Days of Rage."  They ultimately used violence as a means of condemning violence(?!) and of coalescing their "families" and "tribes" behind a "youth resistance," and we are seeing this all unfold yet again as violent radicals shriek about fascism while engaging in it themselves. In the wake of the violent riots that shut down speaking engagements by Milo Yiannopoulos and Heather Mac Donald, the violent radicals of the fringe left have notched up further "wins" in silencing Ann Coulter and in now causing the cancellation of the Avenue of Roses Parade in Portland, Oregon.

UC Berkeley couldn't (or wouldn't) guarantee Ann Coulter's safety, so her speech has been cancelled. In this case, leftists used the mere threat of violence to silence another conservative voice. FOX News reports:
Ann Coulter cancels Berkeley event amid protests, says decision 'a dark day for free speech in America' The hecklers used their veto. Conservative commentator Ann Coulter told Fox News on Wednesday she would no longer give a planned speech at UC Berkeley after Young America’s Foundation pulled its support for the event amid threats of violence, calling her decision "a dark day for free speech in America."

One of the fondest dreams of the radical (and not-so radical) left is to undermine the First Amendment and ultimately to control speech.  Democrats have advocated the DOJ's investigation and even prosecution of climate "skeptics," condemned "hate" speech formally in the House, supported the criminalization and ban of "hate" speech, and as we see play out on college campuses across the nation, resorted to violence as a response to speech with which they disagree. This assault on one of our nation's most cherished foundational principles is ongoing and has most recently manifested in a tweet by former governor and former Democrat presidential candidate Howard Dean.

For anyone who hasn't been paying attention, here's a quick recap of where we are now. If Ann Coulter or any other conservative wants to speak on a college campus, it's justification for a riot. If a professor decides to paint the president as beheaded, it's an important free speech issue. Got it? Campus Reform reports:
U Alaska art exhibition displays Trump’s severed head The University of Alaska Anchorage is displaying a professor’s painting that depicts Captain America holding the severed head of President Donald Trump. The work, created by Assistant Professor of Painting Thomas Chung, is being presented as part of a month-long faculty art exhibition in the university’s fine arts gallery, reports KTUU.