U. West Florida Improves Free Speech Policy Based on New Law Signed by Gov. Rick Scott
"a victory for liberty and the Constitution"...
"a victory for liberty and the Constitution"...
"saying they feel pressured to vocally disagree without really listening"...
"committed to protecting controversial ideas"...
"FIRE applauds this comprehensive approach"...
"on behalf of students who say their views are silenced when administrators restrict where they can protest or who can speak on campus"...
"It is very unfortunate that on too many campuses we're seeing visceral attacks"...
"prompt students to limit their speech out of fear that they might be subject to disciplinary sanction"...
"the free exchange of ideas that is necessary for a functioning Republic"...
"affirms and restricts students’ free speech at the same time"...
"so First Amendment rights in higher education can be protected"...
"serious implications for freedom of speech and conscience on campus"...
"Eighty-eight percent of students agreed that the climate on campus prevents students and faculty 'from saying things they believe because others might find them offensive.'"...
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