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Free Speech Tag

Oberlin College President Carmen Twillie Ambar has staked out an aggressive posture in reaction to the massive $11 million compensatory and $33 million punitive damage verdicts awarded Gibson's Bakery and its owners against Oberlin College and its Dean of Students, Meredith Raimondo. Those verdicts likely will be reduced under Ohio's tort reform law, but still likely will be in the 8-figure range, how high in the 8-figures will be one of the major post-trial fights.

As reported by Newsbusters, the acclaimed and highly popular Canadian professor Jordan Peterson is going to be launching a social media platform called ThinkSpot. The professor announced his plans to do so several months prior following the banning of British UKIP MP candidate Carl Benjamen (AKA Sargon of Akkad) from Patreon. As of this coming August, this new service will be available to the public as a subscription service.

Monday morning, Professor Jacobson joined The Michael Berry Show to discuss the recent verdict, awarding $11 million to Gibson's Bakery, who sued the college claiming defamation. During the interview, Professor Jacobson dismembered what's becoming national media spin -- that the case was actually a case about campus free speech. As Jacobson explained, "it's not."