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Empty Chair Tag

Clint Eastwood gave his first post-convention interview today explaining how he came to address the "empty chair" and just what he thinks of the reaction. Speaking with The Carmel Pine Cone, a local California paper, Eastwood said that "President Obama is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the...

The Good Wow.  Just Wow at the reaction.  I never imagined that Empty Chair Day would sweep the nation, take over Twitter, make its way to the banner headline at Drudge and stories at The Wall Street Journal and elsewhere. (added) Michael Patrick Leahy has details...

UPDATE - No new submissions being accepted for now, the response was so overwhelming that there's already a huge backlog. I'm breaking this down into multiple posts because the volume of submissions was so high - the enthusiasm has been overwhelming (that's the word of the day) at several levels. Unfortunately, those who did not follow the instruction to include town/state have been put to the side because I don't have time to email back and forth seeking that information. I'll continue to post what I can, but it is unlikely I can get to all of them, so my apologies in advance. Commenter Kitty from Painted Post, NY, decided to make two statements: From Derek in Hollywood, FL, who went for a threesome, "Barack Obama, Deval Patrick and Elizabeth "RunsWithScammers" Warren have joined me for a panel. Please ask them the hard question but nothing about the economy, jobs, the last four years, records, or welfare reform." Kate from McKinney, TX asks: "Do I win the award for the most colorful chair?" Susan From Melbourne Beach FLL : Calvin from Oak Ridge North, TX, hits a familiar theme:

UPDATE - No new submissions being accepted for now, the response was so overwhelming that there's already a huge backlog. This will be a continuation of the photos after the first post, National Empty Chair Day (photos from around country), became too long. There are so many submissions it may be a while before you see yours. Here's Drudge -- totally crashed LI, so he relinked to Twitter right around the time we solved the problem.  Oh well. Outside Insurrection HQ in Ithaca: From Eva in Wilmette, IL: Leslie Eastman, who is part of the College Insurrection team, submits this photo and also is collecting links at her blog: From Georgane in Summerville, SC: From Kahne in Houston, who writes:
Beignet the Pug is trying to tell the empty suit that her Mommy really would like a more favorable environment to build buildings, because she is an Architect and this has been the worst year in her career. Houston’s unemployment rate is lower than the rest of the country, but has inched up over the last year. This photo is taken in my front yard, in the most liberal part of Houston, the Museum District, where I have the ONLY Romney bumper stickers on my car in my ‘hood’ (I have several neighbors that felt My car would be damaged because of the bumper stickers and they cower in their beliefs!) because I live in the artsy part of town, I’m sure that those passers-by my house will certainly “get” this as it is abstract Art! LOL…..I love your sites and am an avid follower! Keep up the good work!
From Anne in Ridley Park, PA, who says "he doesn't sit here." From commenter DINORightMarie in VA, her dog Jack and the chair: "the sign has a Romney Ryan 2012 image, the Branco Cartoon in center, and the Clint Eastwood quote at the bottom, from Sandy’s sign."

UPDATE - No new submissions being accepted for now, the response was so overwhelming that there's already a huge backlog. Today is the impromptu National Empty Chair Day, which I covered on Saturday night when a reader alerted me to the idea.  At the time there were about a half dozen tweets from @YouTooCongress, but little other attention. Through the efforts of Prof. Glenn Reynolds, Michael Patrick Leahy of, Michelle Malkin, Twitchy, and many others in the right blogosphere, National Empty Chair Day has spread far and wide in about 24 hours. A.F. Branco has created a logo (feel free to use):

The Twitter hastag is #EmptyChairDay.  A Facebook page Eastwooding Obama (added, also National Empty Chair Day) has been set up. Reader submissions are encouraged, and will be posted in our sole discretion.  Only photos taken by readers themselves which have not already been published elsewhere (except the reader's own blog) will be posted here.  No Photoshops. (If we get any campus photos, they'll be posted over at College Insurrection.) Please include name and town/state (only first name will be published with photo) by email via the contact page.  (note added)  If you do not include name and town/state the photo will not be run. Here's the one that started it all, from Sandy Daze from Virginia Beach, VA: People did not wait for today, and started sending photos yesterday.  (Boston radio host Michael Graham already had reserved a empty seat for Elizabeth Warren on Friday!) From commenter VonBeck2, who writes from flooded Louisiana:
"My dad lives in Laplace, LA. He experienced flooding during the recent hurricane that passed through this area. This is the first time that his home has flooded. This is significant because his house didn't flood during Hurricane Katrina.... So all of that money spent has the effect of just flooding somebody else. Here's my contribution to the empty chair meme. This was taken today as I went to check on him. The water has receded some but it is still to high to restore electricity to his neighborhood, which. is a big deal in the deep south. So I was thinking where is Obama. Not in Laplace, La. I wonder if he is having fun campaigning while the suburbs drown."
From Darren, who writes "Couldn't wait for tomorrow....": From Jeanne in Fort Worth, TX, who writes "Count me in for Monday's 'Empty Chair Day' campaign. However, I'm so keen that I'm starting on Sunday! My sign says "Make My Day! Fire Obama On November 6th." Wouldn't it be great to see an entire neighborhood with empty chairs in front of every home?" From Matt in Topanga, CA: From Maria in Gladstone, NJ, who writes: "Here is my empty chair photo. It's (almost) as broken as our economy! Love your website, keep up the good work!" From Rob in Owasso, OK:

That's what reader Sandy writes: Prof - Seems that there is an effort to make Monday "empty chair day" Below is an image of my front lawn, just mowed, to ensure the emptychair looks right.  The sign next to the chair says: “We own this country . ....

Badger Pundit has put together this video interspersing parts of Clint Eastwood's speech at the RNC with the advertisement that ran during halftime of the Super Bowl. I think it's pretty effective. ...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s Facebook page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...

Looks like Clint Eastwood got under Obama's skin. Obama sent this tweet today in response to Eastwood mocking Obama last night by using an empty chair as a prop (via The Rhetorican): While I was very uncertain whether the Eastwood appearance worked, I now believe it did. If it didn't,...

I thought Romney gave an excellent speech. It had a good mix of soaring rhetoric without veering into Greek columns territory. Clearly the speech was intended to help neutralize the "war on women" theme, and I think it was effective.  I also was glad that the speech...