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Critical Race Theory Tag

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has been a leading voice in the fight against Critical Race Theory in education. He is now introducing his latest effort in this battle. It's called the “Stop W.O.K.E. Act.” Taking action on this issue is not only the right thing to do, it's smart politics. This was one of the key issues for Glenn Youngkin's recent victory in Virginia.

My presentation at the Parents Unite conference: "Framing the narrative, I think at this stage, is really counter-framing the narrative, because we are up against an extremely organized and well-funded movement to push euphemistically called 'Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,' and race-based teaching throughout education."...

Trinity Repertory is a professional theater company in Providence, Rhode Island. They recently returned to live performances with a production of 'A Christmas Carol' based on the story by Charles Dickens. The Providence Journal had some issues with the 'woke' aspects of the production in its review, and the company is not happy about it.

Professor Alan Dershowitz recently gave an interview to John Solomon of Just the News and claimed that America's justice system is being infected with the radical ideology of Critical Race Theory, not unlike what's happening in education. After watching the left's reaction to the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, it's impossible to disagree.