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Report: Ed. Sec. Cardona Requested NSBA Letter That Described Concerned Parents as Domestic Terrorists

Report: Ed. Sec. Cardona Requested NSBA Letter That Described Concerned Parents as Domestic Terrorists

“Should this allegation be true, it would reveal that this administration’s pretextual war on parents came from the highest levels.”

The Parents Defending Education group obtained emails showing the Biden administration, especially Education Secretary Miguel Cardona, requested the National School Boards Association (NSBA) letter that compared concerned parents to domestic terrorists.

The NSBA threw a hissy fit because parents protested Critical Race Theory at school board meetings along with new rules and regulations that could jeopardize the safety of some students.

The meetings got heated, but local law enforcement took care of any situations. I also still do not know of credible threats against school board members.

In a now-retracted letter to Biden in September, the NSBA equated the parents’ actions as “a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.” The members demanded Biden and AG Merrick Garland sic the DOJ, FBI, and the National Security Branch and Counterterrorism Division “a well as any other federal agency with relevant jurisdictional authority and oversight” on the parents.

Garland agreed because on October 4: “Citing an increase in harassment, intimidation and threats of violence against school board members, teachers and workers in our nation’s public schools, today Attorney General Merrick B. Garland directed the FBI and U.S. Attorneys’ Offices to meet in the next 30 days with federal, state, Tribal, territorial and local law enforcement leaders to discuss strategies for addressing this disturbing trend. These sessions will open dedicated lines of communication for threat reporting, assessment and response by law enforcement.”

At first, it seemed the NSBA sent the letter without any prompt from other unions or a state government, let alone the federal government.

The emails prove otherwise.

On October 5, NSBA board member Marnie Maldonado emailed fellow board member Kristi Swett about the letter. She wanted to know if the NSBA followed a specific policy when drafting the letter to Biden.

Maldonado said she had concerns “about the process by which the statement was mand and the tone that essentially allowed the White House to direct the Attorney General to consider members of our community ‘domestic terrorists.'”

Maldonado wants the NSBA “to focus on civility,” but also look to “local law enforcement to protect members and deal with threats of violence.” She was not thrilled that no one consulted with her about the letter.

Swett told Maldonado she did not “think the letter fell under an emergency situation.”

Swett felt that way because “it certainly was not characterized that when Chip told officers he was writing a letter to provide information to the White House, from a request by Secretary Cordona [sic].”

Chip is Chip Slaven, then-interim director of NSBA. Swett did not provide more details in the email, like why Cardona requested the information or if he persuaded the NSBA to give the administration a reason to step in.

I mean, the letter sounds like a Karen complaint letter. The NSBA never said, “Here is the information you requested, Cardona!” It was literally a statement addressing those wild and crazy parents.

PDE President Nicole Neily told Fox News Digital:

“Should this allegation be true, it would reveal that this administration’s pretextual war on parents came from the highest levels,” PDE President Nicole Neily told Fox News Digital.

“Attorney General Merrick Garland unequivocally stated that he based his memo on the NSBA’s letter – which in turn, mobilized the FBI and US Attorneys,” Neily added. “If Secretary Cardona was truly involved in this ugly episode, it is a significant breach of public trust, and he should be held accountable.”

I want to know the conversations between Slaven and Cardona.


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Hmm….once upon a time “dissent” was “the highest form of patriotism!”
Once upon a time,..
for a political party far, far away…
Or something.

And here we have another “Oh noes! The COVID bioweapon actually originated at a lab that makes bioweapons!” moment. (That one took a year, this one, only three months.)

Show of hands, who here didn’t know this nearly immediately?

Somebody needs to start CNC — the Conspiracy News Channel. It would run all the news that everybody (paying attention) knows is true, but the government hasn’t been forced to admit yet. I would get my 103-yo mother a subscription.

This is, of course, nothing but a minor riff on the old Democrat standby the FBI uses regularly: leak a lie to the NYT, then “investigate” their own lie using the NYT reportage as “evidence.”

President Jimmy Carter gave us the Department of Education. Here’s the racket… through the shake down artists at the IRS they take our money. Then, if we roll over and play dead they way they want, they’ll give us some of our money back. Maybe, if our pronouns are in order. Burn the house down. Decrease taxes collected by the Federales and decrimalize school truancy. Local communities, cities, counties, and states were doing before, and will do it after the department is gone.

Take my wager – Press lady will say “he did NOT direct them to write the letter, he simply asked if the situation was getting heated. Simple inquiry, nothing like a full blown conspiracy that Fox News is making this out to be. Routine and duty bound to stay informed.”

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | January 11, 2022 at 2:55 pm

It was obvious that this letter was a phoney bit of astroturf formulated in the White House when you saw the phrase “interstate commerce” continually pop-up (talk about “out of nowhere”!!):

Page 1:

NSBA believes immediate assistance is required to protect our students, school board members, and educators who are susceptible to acts of violence affecting interstate commerce because of threats to their districts, families, and personal safety.

Page 2:

Now, we ask that the federal government investigate, intercept, and prevent the current threats and acts of violence against our public school officials through existing statutes, executive authority, interagency and intergovernmental task forces, and other extraordinary measures to ensure the safety of our children and educators, to protect interstate commerce, and to preserve public school infrastructure and campuses.

Page 5:

However, with such acute threats and actions that are disruptive to our students’ well-being, to the safety of public school officials and personnel, ,b>and to interstate commerce, we urge the federal government’s intervention against individuals or hate groups who
are targeting our schools and educators.

I almost fell off my chair laughing when I first read that stuff. It was so clear that it came directly from White House lawyers. And it was so incredibly retarded. Public schools and their connection to interstate commerce …. LOL.

But it’s really nice to see the proof clearly (for those hard of thinking who couldn’t figure it out at the start. However … will this result in anyone being dragged away in handcuffs and serving any time? Doubtful. It’s doubtful that anyone involved in this will experience anything more than a temporary bump in the road of their path to destroying America.

    A large part of the clown show here is not just that this deception is being performed, but that it is being performed so ham-handedly as to be obvious to anyone who isn’t buffaloed by the monthly maze in Highlights Magazine.

    It’s like Jussie Smollett having kept the magazines he cut out the letters from to paste up the threatening letter to himself… except that nobody put Jussie Smollett in charge of the DOJ.

The Gentle Grizzly | January 11, 2022 at 4:00 pm

Ronald Reagan said he’d close down the Dept of Ed. I’m still waiting.

Turtle McConnell deserves the Medal of Freedom for blockading Garland’s appointment to the Supreme Court by Obama. He’s been a catastrophe as A.G. but at least that’s not a lifetime appointment.

14 Repubs voted to confirm him

Burr (R-NC)
Capito (R- WV)
Cassidy (R-LA)
Collins (R-ME)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Fischer (R-NE)
Grassley (R-IA)
Johnson (R-WI)
McConnell (R-KY)
Murkowski (R-AK)
Portman (R-OH)
Romney (R-UT)
Rubio (R-FL)
Tillis (R-NC)

Derr! Collusive ligigation anyone? The activists in the rotating doors between Government agency Bitch and litigant Spank You collude to control say, Carbon Dioxiede. So Bitch and Spank You meet in hotel rooms and agree on what the activists on both sides (reallly one side, and they both hate us) always wanted. Then the Sierra Club or whatever goes judge shoppint. And, the former Sierra club activists now leftist appointees capitulate. The Shopped for judge rubber stamps the agreement.

Any questions? The fix is in. It is always in. “Uncle Joe” Biden knows exactly who is buying Huner Biden’s snot “art.”