Constitution | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 4
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Constitution Tag

In Federalist 48, James Madison observed that “power is of an encroaching nature,” and that it’s the natural tendency of those in power to exceed their authority. Madison must have been thinking about a politician like Joe Biden....

Two people who work for a Missouri school district are suing it, claiming that the 'equity training' they had to undergo for work violated their First Amendment rights by forcing them to say things they didn't believe. Some people, including Megyn Kelly, have suggested that taking legal action is the way through a situation like this one.

The freewheeling and politically-ionized standards employed by the court to suspend Guiliani's law license on an emergency basis without hearing erode trust in our justice system....

"Plaintiff is a White farmer in Jennings, Florida who has qualifying farm loans but is ineligible for debt relief under Section 1005 solely because of his race." Judge agrees: "Race or ethnicity is the sole, inflexible factor that determines the availability of relief provided by...