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Climate Change Tag

The U.N. annual climate conference in Madrid failed this weekend. It ran two days long because negotiators could not reach a consensus on how to move forward with carbon emission reductions or climate-based wealth distribution without the compliant United States.

Legal Insurrection readers will recall that President Donald Trump's EPA has slammed San Francisco, which includes the 12th District of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, with potential environmental violations over its handling of sewage and wastewater. However, instead of cleaning up the mess in her district, Pelosi is heading off to Spain for a climate change junket.

The climate cult group known as Extinction Rebellion is now taking its city-shutdown antics to the Middle East.
Off-shoots of the group that advocates peaceful protest as a way to pile on pressure to curb global warming are sprouting from Beirut to Doha, as activists in the oil-rich region want governments to ditch fossil fuels for renewable energy sources.

Two of my good friends have children who are asthmatic. In fact, one of them nearly lost her daughter, who had a dreadful asthmatic attack due to inhaling post-wildfire particulates.  The child would have died without her inhaler. However, green justice warriors have decided that the luxury of being able to breathe pales in comparison to saving the planet from minuscule amounts of greenhouse gases.

Legal Insurrection readers will recall I covered a book entitled "The Polar Bear Catastrophe that Never Happened" by Dr. Susan Crockford. The University of Victoria professor analyzes the latest data and reviews the questionable values used in official estimates, concluding that polar bears are actually thriving. She has been fired from her position at the university.
After 15 years as an adjunct assistant professor, Ms. Crockford said the University of Victoria rejected without explanation in May her renewal application, despite her high profile as a speaker and author stemming from her widely cited research on polar bears and dog domestication.