U. Pennsylvania Commits to Carbon Neutrality by 2050 – Student Activists Say Not Good Enough
“Students quickly released a statement declaring that the university ought to be more aggressive.”

Here’s a newsflash for the leadership at U. Penn. Nothing will ever be good enough. You cannot appease the left.
Campus Reform reports:
Penn commits to net zero emissions by 2050. Leftist students want it within four years.
The University of Pennsylvania pledged to make its endowment portfolio carbon neutral by 2050. Many students, however, are criticizing school officials for not entirely divesting from fossil fuels.
On April 7, administrators sent a message to the Penn community explaining that the school’s Office of Investments “has established the goal of reducing the net greenhouse gas emissions from Penn’s endowment investments to zero by 2050” in accordance with the 2015 Paris Agreement.
“We expect that progress toward the endowment’s net-zero goal will occur both through emissions reductions at the many hundreds of companies in which the endowment is invested, as well as through the redeployment of capital towards investments with low or improving carbon footprints,” the email said. “Any residual emissions across the endowment’s holdings would need to be offset, ideally through investments in enterprises that remove carbon from the atmosphere.”
The university is taking great pains to calculate and measure its investments’ encouragement of greenhouse gas emissions.
As the email explains, “this is a complex undertaking, and achievement of our goal will require significant efforts across many fronts.” The Office of Investments “anticipates collaborating with Penn faculty experts, with organizations developing frameworks and accounting standards, and with other institutional investors who have similar goals.”
Students quickly released a statement declaring that the university ought to be more aggressive.

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The time frame could be set for January of 2022 and the complainants would say it is not enough.
Tell them to get back to class, or, if they are unhappy, settle their fees, clear out of the dorm, and go home.