Caroline Glick | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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Caroline Glick Tag

I have linked to posts by Caroline Glick since the early days of this blog.  Glick is one of the clearest voices on the dangers to Israel and the highly negative effects of Obama administration policy. Glick has weighed in on Newt's comments about the Palestinians...

Commentary on the claim by Nicholas Sarkozy, with a willing acknowledgement, that Benjamin Netanyahu was a liar, from Caroline Glick (h/t reader John): Since Iran’s nuclear weapons program was first  revealed to the public in 2004, Israel has provided in-depth intelligence  information proving Iran’s malign intentions to the...

In many ways, it's worse than I originally thought, now that the names officially have been released. In addition to the planners of the Sbarro Pizza bombing, about which I blogged earlier, the releasees include the planners of many other high profile bombings, terrorist attacks which...

From Caroline Glick, in a must read post: It's my prayer for coming year that US Jewish community will act with the majority of their fellow Americans to defend Israel. What's most stunning is that such a prayer even is needed. Update: I should have pointed out that...

Carl at Israel Matzav has given Mahmoud Abbas, aka Abu Mazen, the nickame "Abu Bluff." The trip by Abbas to the U.N. this week ostensibly to obtain recognition of a Palestinian state is another bluff.  Abbas doesn't even have the support of his own people, as Hamas which controls...

Is there any doubt that if Obama could do it on his own, Jerusalem would be divided and Israel forced back to the 1949 armistice borders?  A point I have made before is that the real danger comes in a second term, when he is freed of...

Reader John forwarded me this quote from Caroline Glick written in late May regarding Obama's position on Israel's borders:The question is, why are American Jewish leaders defending Obama?It would seem that there are three possible explanations.The first explanation is fear. Several American Jewish philanthropists have...

Mohamed ElBaradei is one of those figures who, because he is fairly westernized, easily manipulates western media and left-of-center bloggers and pundits into thinking he wants a western-style democracy in Egypt.It is not surprising that despite his obvious opportunism, ElBaradei has become something of a...

Caroline Glick:"The deception at the heart of the feminist movement is nowhere more apparent than in the silence with which self-professed feminists and feminist movements ignore the inhumane treatment of women who live under Islamic law."-------------------------------------------- Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal...

The Islamist-Leftist Anti-Israel Coalition has found its most successful tactic -- the use of human shields in the form of Western Useful Idiots backed by Islamist Martyrs-in-Waiting to confront Israeli soldiers in the hope that Israel will be forced either to weaken its defenses or...

Last January, I warned of a dangerous slide by Turkey into the Islamist orbit, Turkey Looking Like The Next Iran. About a month ago, I further noted Caroline Glick's excellent article about Turkey's coziness with Iran and anti-democratic Islamism, Turkey is Lost to Islamists.In response...

There are many stupid things said on the internet. Add to the list of top-ten contenders the claim that author Caroline Glick is not concerned with the survival of Israel.This claim is made in a post at the Lawyers, Guns & Money blog, a left-wing...

The Obama administration's attack that Fox News is not a real "news organization" reflects on the psyche not of Fox News but of our Commander in Chief and his emissaries. It also is a pathetic re-write of history in light of the incredibly biased, pro-Obama...

Caroline Glick, who writes for the Jerusalem Post, is the most astute observer of the looming Iranian menace, and the pathetic refusal of governments in Israel, Europe, and the U.S. to address the problem. Visit her website. I love Glick's description of her background, which...