Capitol Hill Riot January 2021 | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 11
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Capitol Hill Riot January 2021 Tag

The latest premise Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats are pushing to impeach President Trump is just as flawed and just as insubstantial as the first one they peddled.  They point to Trump's January 6, 2021 speech and claim that his rhetoric "incited insurrection" among other equally hysterical claims.

Germany has offered Joe Biden a "Marshall Plan for democracy" in the wake of the U.S. Capitol riot. German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas on Friday called on the incoming Democratic administration to join the European Union in backing a "wide-reaching pro-democracy initiative" to counter the "enemies of liberal democracy."

The 'never let a crisis go to waste' crew are busily turning Wednesday's Capitol riot into their very own Reichstag fire, using it as the premise by which to ban President Trump across social media and now, apparently, to go after cable companies for being complicit in "spreading disinformation" by giving Fox News a platform.

On Thursday, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris used their platforms as the next POTUS and VPOTUS of the United States to gaslight the American people with their dishonest comparison of Wednesday's Capitol Hill riots to the Antifa/Black Lives Matter looting and riots that happened in Democrat-run cities for over six months in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd.

The WalkAway movement was started by Brandon Straka, who left the Democrat party and became a Trump-supporting conservative after the 2016 election. Straka inspired hundreds of thousands of other Americans who felt the Democrats had moved too far left and also walked away from the party. Now Facebook has purged his page.

European leaders and the mainstream media on the other side of the Atlantic came out in unison to condemn the violence in the Capitol Hill. The leaders of the three leading European powers, the United Kingdom, Germany and France, found the harshest words to criticize pro-Trump protesters responsible for the mayhem.