Bumper Stickers | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 4
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Bumper Stickers Tag

I returned to La La Land. Just before taking the drive up to Santa Barbara for a small get together of faculty sponsored by the Young America's Foundation. We're taking a tour of the Reagan Ranch on Saturday. Spotted the bumper sticker in the Featured Image while still in L.A. As I said three years ago, OMG, it really is La La Land. Bumper Sticker - Los Angeles - Obama Biden 2008 and 2012_Redacted Takes a special kind of person to keep both '08 and '12 Obama-Biden bumper stickers on the car. I take that back. It takes a completely not-special person The good news is that I had a chance to reunite with frequent Legal Insurrection commenter LukeHandCool.

After all socialism has done for you, this....

Hi, Prof. J: Here's a contribution from the Land of Lincoln. The car sported the red "Impeach Obama" sticker on the passenger door as well. Not everyone in this state is a liberal moron, but unfortunately we conservatives seem to be outnumbered, and most likely our...

Hillary 2016, Michelle 2024, Chelsea 2032, Sasha 2040, Malia 2048...