Britain | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 22
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Britain Tag

I was waiting for this ruling, because I could not stand living in a world where it was illegal to wear baggy pants so low that your ass showed.From Britain, our window into the future where underpants get to see the light of day (emphasis...

Not who you think, although there could be more than one.''I believe Gordon Brown has been the worst prime minister we have had in this country. ''It is a disgrace and he owes an apology to the people and the Queen.'' As stated by Manish...

Gordon Brown is feeling the wrath of the little and not so little people in Britain, after he called Gillian Duffy a "bigot."Now things seem to be spinning out of control, as even a Dean at Oxford University has heckled Brown for making the...

That's what David Cameron (Conservative - U.K.) has made one of his campaign themes:In a Sunday Times interview, the Conservative leader revealed the four pieces of legislation that would dominate his debut Queen’s speech ...

Gordon Brown is a man of the people. When the people are around.When alone with aides, he dismissed as bigoted a woman who expressed concerns about how immigration from Eastern Europe would affect the economy. But moments earlier, in public, he praised the woman.As reported...

Seems like someone is learning from the Obama campaign, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Sheldon Whitehouse and other American Democrats.From last night's debate among candidates in Britain (emphasis mine): [Liberal Democrat candidate Nick] Clegg, tried to tie [Conservative candidate David] Cameron to right-wing extremists, a standard...

Elections have been set in Great Britain for May 6, pitting the Labour Party (headed by Obama-wannabe Prime Minister Gordon Brown) against the Conservative Party ("Tories") (headed by David Cameron).The election is shaping up as traditional nanny-state government (Labour) against less big government (Tories), echoing...