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Biden Administration Tag

Rolling to Remember is a group and an event, formerly known as Rolling Thunder. It's made up of American veterans who ride their motorcycles into Washington, DC every year to remember their fallen, POW, and MIA brothers and sisters. The event is a tradition that has been going on for years, but this year has hit a roadblock. The Biden administration has denied their permit.

In the course of selling his infrastructure bill, Joe Biden has been promoting an electric battery company called Proterra. He has failed to mention that his energy secretary Jennifer Granholm is a major stakeholder in the company. This is just the sort of crony-capitalism that Democrats and the media accused Trump of regularly.

Unwilling to take the necessary steps to secure our border and unable to handle the surge of migrants then-candidate Biden all but invited to come to the U.S. illegally, the Biden administration has apparently decided to simply release 400 illegal alien families per day into the U.S. As a point of reference, the total number of such released families earlier this year was 50 per day.

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer has warned against the idea of packing the court and the left is not happy. Democrats and progressive activists learned a painful lesson with Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and they don't want to go through that again.  So now some of them are demanding that Breyer retire immediately, while Democrats control everything. This all began after Breyer gave a lecture at Harvard Law School last week.