Andrew Cuomo | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 4
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New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's defense is crumbling around him. It all started with the damning report on the nursing home deaths and his secretary admitting they fudged the death numbers. Then two former aides accused him of sexual harassment: Charlotte Bennett and Lindsey Boylan. Investigative journalist Lindsay Nielsen also described intimidation efforts by Cuomo's administration.

Was it worth it, Gov. Andrew Cuomo? Your COVID-19 nursing home order and hiding the real numbers are breaking down your walls. Cuomo ranted and raved during his Friday press conference. Then the NY Assembly GOP prepared the impeachment process, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) supports an investigation, and an assemblywoman shared messages she received from people who claimed Cuomo bullied them.

It is not hyperbole when I say that New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has lost his mind. Cuomo threw out "unfounded allegations" against NY Assemblyman Ron Kim (D-Queens), who has accused Cuomo "of obstructing justice by covering up nursing home deaths from COVID-19." Cuomo once again deflected blame by placing it on The New York Post.

The Democrats and the media held up New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo as a national leader regarding response to the COVID pandemic Cuomo wrote a book about his leadership and received an Emmy Award for his press conferences. The nursing home deaths that occurred on his watch have never gotten the attention they deserve but that might be about to change.

Since the beginning of the pandemic and the associated lockdowns, thousands of New York residents have been unable to pay their rent. One New York Democrat, State Senator Michael Gianaris, urged Andrew Cuomo to pick up the bill. You knew this was coming, didn't you?

During the initial stages of the COVID-19 outbreak in the spring of 2019, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed a state mandate that nursing homes must readmit residents sent to hospitals with the coronavirus and accept new patients deemed “medically stable.” The order was devastating. It led to a significant number of infections, hospitalizations, and deaths among the state's elderly.