Al Franken | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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New Yorker Magazine is nothing if not consistently inconsistent. In the fall of 2018, writer Jane Mayer and co-writer Ronan Farrow wrote a hit piece for the magazine on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh that was disguised as investigative journalism. The article detailed an allegation of sexual misconduct made by Deborah Ramirez, who was a classmate of Kavanaugh's at Yale in the early 1980s.

Joe Biden's proclivity for being handsy with and nuzzling women in creepy ways has been well known for years. He didn't hide it, he did it in front of the cameras, and Democrats just wrote it off as Creepy Uncle Joe being Creepy Uncle Joe again.

Some people on the left are starting to regret forcing Al Franken to resign his Senate seat last year. They're trying to find a way to rehabilitate his image but the #MeToo movement has them caught in a catch 22.

Democrats are split over recent allegations of domestic abuse recently pinned to Rep. Keith Ellison, the DNC's deputy chair. Former girlfriend Karen Monahan claims Ellison dragged her off a bed while yelling profanities, an event that precipitated their breakup. At the point where Ellison allegedly grabbed her and began pulling her off the bed, Monahan began filming the encounter on her phone.

Democrat Minnesota Senator Al Franken submitted his resignation later at 12PM CT to Governor Mark Dayton. Franken resigned after numerous females accused him of sexual misconduct, including groping and attempts to plant wet kisses on their mouths.

Just breaking, Al Franken's office has announced that his previously announced resignation will be effective January 2, 2018. The snowball started rolling downhill for Franken when he was accused of groping and non-consensually tongue-kissing a woman on USO tour, as detailed in our post News Anchor accuses Al Franken of non-consensual kissing, groping in 2006. The photo of the grope went viral, and will be the lasting image of Franken.

Anyone else saw this coming? Yeah, me too. After a seventh female accused Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) of sexual misconduct, Democrat senators finally called for him to resign. The number skyrocketed after word got out that he would resign. On December 7, Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) announced he would resign from the Senate after numerous females accused him of sexual misconduct. He didn't give an exact date, just said in the coming weeks. Now four senators have urged Franken to reconsider, including some who called for him to step down.

We're witnessing a perfect storm of sorts as various elements of leftist policy and ideology converge into an historical moment in which being accused of sexual harassment/abuse means being guilty.  Being guilty, in turn, means the immediate loss of one's career, one's reputation, and one's livelihood. The accused is not able to confront his accusers, or even know their names, nor does he know, in many cases, that an allegation has been made or an investigation underway.  He finds out when he is fired from his job, dragged through the mud, and is, what we'd say in any other circumstance, victimized. There's a problem here, one that we on the right may not be as willing to see because the majority of the people being taken down (so far) are unsavory persons populating socio-political worlds—Hollywood, politics, the media—in which we are "the deplorables."  It's not hard to feel vindicated in some cases and Schadenfreude in others.

New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is making a lot of enemies in the Democratic Party these days. Having clung to Bill and Hillary Clinton like a cheap suit her entire political career, Gillibrand turned on Bill when it became inconvenient in the current #MeToo climate to continue worshipping him, as I wrote in Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand disavows Bill Clinton now that he can’t help her anymore. Clintonworld was not amused with that backstabbing opportunism.

Last week, Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) announced he will resign in the coming weeks after facing numerous sexual misconduct allegations. Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton (D) has appointed Lt. Gov. Tina Smith (D) to take over Franken's seat whenever the senator does decide to step down.

The speed with which Democrat Senators turned on Al Franken was startling. After the first few allegations of groping, including the infamous breast-squeezing photo, Democrats mostly shrugged their shoulders. It was uncomfortable for Democrats, but not fatal. There were few calls for Franken to resign from his fellow Democrat Senators. After all, it's hard to claim zero tolerance for sexual harassment and assault when Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton are the two modern icons of the Democratic Party.