Abortion | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 32
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Abortion Tag

News today, AP via Ed Morrissey, Nurse saw more than 10 babies breathing: A former abortion clinic worker has capped the murder trial of her former boss with testimony that she saw more than 10 babies breathe before they were killed. Kareema Cross is the final prosecution witness against Dr. Kermit Gosnell. She...

There was a lot of Twitter activity trying to drive the mainstream media to cover the trial of Kermit Gosnell. The Washington Post and NY Times, among others, now will be sending reporters to the trial, although denying that any pro-abortion bias caused them to shy...

Will the media compare Obama's speeches against the Illinois Born Alive Infant Protection Act to the Gettysburg Address, as it did for Obama's Newtown speech? I think not. Certainly not after Kermit Gosnell. They were not Gettysburg Addresses. The ground in which the dead were buried was...

As noted yesterday, the widespread attention to the mainstream media's news blackout on the Kermit Gosnell trial evoked a pushback at Salon.com with the claim that "feminist" writers had written about the horrors, and therefore according to Irin Carmon, There is no Gosnell coverup. That gave rise...

The mainstream media is ignoring Kermit Gosnell's abortion shop of horrors. In addition to the near total blackout at newspapers like The NY Times and Washington Post and all major networks except Fox News, mainstream news sites like Politico are silent, with not a single story...

With each passing day, the testimony at the trial of Philadelphia abortion practitioner Kermit Gosnell gets more gruesome -- events which shock the conscience. From The Daily Mail in Britain: [Stephen] Massof, who is awaiting sentencing after  pleading guilty to the murder of two  newborns at the...

One of the saddest stories you will read is the story of Jennifer Morbelli, who died recently along with her unborn daughter during a very late term abortion in Maryland. The story originally was reported by Jill Stanek.  In a series of posts, Robert Stacy McCain reported on...

From Amy: I know you don't usually address abortion topics on your blog, but in the off-chance you do, here is a car for you. I saw it in a Wendy's parking lot here in Aurora, CO, a few weeks ago. Also, I know you normally black...

The always excellent Jonathan V. Last at The Weekly Standard has a remarkable piece about the corrupting influence of abortion on the left’s mindset—how elevating it to primacy status in the political arena has thoroughly distorted the thinking of otherwise smart people, forcing them to...

on what basis would sex-selective abortion be regulated? I previously highlighted the problem, When A Woman’s Right To Choose Results In Fewer Women – In The U.S. Via James Pethokoukis comes this article about the spread of sex-selective abortion in the U.S.,  Unwelcome import: Sex selective abortion: I’d read...