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2nd Amendment Tag

With presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s recent announcement of Kamala Harris as his running mate, and the Democratic National Convention in full swing, now seems the perfect time to take a closer look at the recently released 2020 Democratic Party Platform on gun control.

Gun sales are way up, across the country, for obvious reasons. The numbers began to rise with the Coronavirus pandemic lockdowns, and only grew as riots began in multiple cities at the beginning of the summer. Now imagine being someone who lives in one of these riot torn cities, where your Democrat leaders are trying to defund the police, and learning that it's going to be difficult to arm yourself.

I'm so old I remember when the media would flop onto the nearest fainting couch at the sight of a protester exercising his or her Second Amendment rights.  Remember the wails of horror, fear, and outrage we were treated to when Tea Party activists and, more recently, anti-lockdown protesters were shown lawfully openly carrying perfectly lawful firearms at protests?

Months ago, when the country shut down and you couldn't buy a roll of toilet paper anywhere, people began arming themselves at an increasing rate. Now that roving mobs of looters and rioters are preying on American cities, gun sales are reaching historic highs.