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2020 Presidential Election Tag

You may have been thinking all the insanity we've been living through for months will finally end with the election, but it's not likely. Far left groups are lining up a host of activities to keep themselves busy in the event of a Biden loss. According to the left, our choices include a "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" if Biden wins, or massive unrest if Trump wins.

Members of the professional left are now proposing a 'truth and reconciliation commission' to shame Trump supporters if Joe Biden wins. These would be the same people who have spent four years calling Trump an authoritarian, a dictator, a fascist, a cult leader, and worse. Those same people are now proposing Orwellian forms of public shaming for having the 'wrong' views.

As further information is released about the content of the infamous Hunter Biden hard drive and the emails—and other damaging data—it contains, the silence thundering from the Biden campaign, Joe Biden, and even Hunter himself is deafening.

Obama took his sweet time to endorse Joe Biden after the Democratic primary. He was also pretty quiet throughout the summer. Now he is going to step up and start campaigning for Biden at the last minute. Doesn't it seem a little late for this?

Joe Biden is leading in many of the polls, and just like in 2016, the media is all too happy to repeat this news over and over. On the ground, however, something very different is happening. Early voting, which we have been told is supposed to favor Joe Biden, is not delivering for him, even in key states like Michigan and Wisconsin.

The Hunter Biden email scandal is gaining steam despite the best efforts of Big TechMary covered the scandal as it emerged when the New York Post published the bombshell, and now Joe Biden has responded.  In typical Joe Biden fashion, he attacked the reporter asking the question and dismissed the underlying scandal as a "smear."

Last night, Tucker Carlson shared emails obtained exclusively by his show which are allegedly from Hunter Biden's laptop computer. Tucker acknowledged that he has not proved they are from Hunter but emphasized that he believes they are authentic. The emails suggest that Joe Biden used his influence as vice president to benefit his son Hunter, financially.