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That seems to be the attitude of Massachusetts Democrats, as reported by The Boston Herald: Bay State Democrats are standing by their woman, saying they’re confident in embattled Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren — now three weeks into a persistent scandal over her claims of Native...

I have few original thoughts on the fake twins who cannot bear the unbearable burden of bearing fairly boring genealogy and upbringing in middle and upper middle class Amerika. I feel your feign, man and woman. So here is your faking fakers and the fakery they fake Reader (you can...

Well said: Aaron Walker, victim: How Brett Kimberlin Tried to Frame Me for a Crime (And How You Can Help!) Robert Stacy McCain does some fine journalism: Domestic Terrorist Now Using ‘Lawfare’? Lonely Conservative call to action: Calling All Conservative Bloggers – The Army of...

As I mentioned the other day, Marisa DeFranco is challenging Elizabeth Warren in the Massachusetts Democratic Senate primary.  In light of Warren’s three-week long Cherokee disaster, I reached out to DeFranco to get her take on the controversy and the primary race. While several other high profile candidates dropped...

From reader John: Keep up the good work on Elizabeth Warren, what a hypocrite. Saw this on the road in Richmond, VA. This bumper sticker could be translated as: “Warning, close-minded person on board. Will not listen to reason. Will revert to nonsensical ad hominem...

The big news in the Trayvon Martin case, ABC News Exclusive: Zimmerman Medical Report Shows Broken Nose, Lacerations After Trayvon Martin Shooting: A medical report compiled by the family physician of accused Trayvon Martin murderer George Zimmerman and obtained exclusively by ABC News found that...

There is a common misconception that Elizabeth Warren is the Democratic nominee for Senate against Scott Brown. She is not. There is a primary contest on September 6.  And the only other announced candidate just filed her petitions: U.S. Senate candidate Marisa DeFranco will drop... reports that Elizabeth Warren’s campaign offered a cousin’s cookbook as further evidence to her 1/32 Cherokee claim debunked last week. According to Breitbart’s Michael Patrick Leahy: The Warren Campaign offered reporters an undated article from the Muskogee Phoenix about the contributions of Elizabeth Warren’s first...

Elizabeth Warren’s narrative of being a descendant of the Cherokee people emboldened Warren not only to consider herself Native American, but also to identify with the most victimized of the victimized. One doesn’t have to be a scholar of Native American history to know of the Trail of...

This Friday Charles Munger of Berkshire Hathaway addressed the growing interest by Americans in investing in gold. Munger, Warren Buffett’s “right-hand man,” and the vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway made his comments on CNBC: Gold is a great thing to sew into your garments if...

I’m quoted in a Poltico story today about Elizabeth Warren: “If she is 1/32nd Native American … is it really appropriate to list yourself  that way and knowing you will therefore be listed as a minority law professor?” asked William Jacobson, associate clinical professor of...

Elizabeth Warren isn’t the only unlikely native. We all are. Spotted in Ithaca:

Obama has been narrowing his targets for attack and derision ever since the 2008 campaign. Everywhere he looks, he finds some group to hold up for public scorn, and that group has narrowed from the top 5% to the top 2% to the top 1% to...

Obama’s targeting of demonized groups has been narrowing over time, something documented here since the 2008 campaign. Remember when the Top 5% were the target? Phew, that’s so 2008. Then the Top 2%.  Phew, that’s so 2009. Then the Top 1%.  Phew, that’s so 2010....

There’s another “victim” of Rush Limbaugh, according to Adam Clark Estes at The Atlantic Wire, Rush Limbaugh’s Latest Verbal Victim Feels Derided, Dismissed: Less than a week after calling Sandra Fluke a “slut” on the air, Rush Limbaugh ran his mouth again on Tuesday, calling...

This writer at argues that liberals should not homeschool their kids, Liberals, Don’t Homeschool Your Kids: Homeschooling is so unevenly regulated from state to state that it is impossible to know exactly how many homeschoolers there are. Estimates range from about 1 million to...