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As a co-founder of the first San Diego Tea Party group, I appreciate grassroots activism that lights fires under our politicos. I would like to feature two new citizen-organized protests and update my Legal Insurrection friends on the local one I have been closely following....

You want to see me spike the football so hard the earth will shake harder than in the D.C. Earthquake? You have not seen anything like what will take place here if Janis Kelly, Republican and unabashed Tea Party supporter, is elected Mayor of Ithaca. ...

After yesterday’s speech by Hosni Mubarek, I noted: “Things will be interesting. I can’t imagine the situation will stay stable until September.” Well I was right, although I didn’t predict Mubarek would resign the next day. But it has happened, and now the military controls...

More from The Daily Caller today, detailing the political connections on the Journolist, where Obama operatives, Democratic political strategists, and liberal media types mixed: Despite its name, membership in the liberal online community Journolist wasn’t limited to journalists. Present among the bloggers, reporters and editors...