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There is something seriously wrong. Via The Boston Globe (h/t NRO)(emphasis mine): As Elizabeth Warren walked through the marble corridors of the Capitol on Tuesday, she tried assiduously to keep a low profile. Walking arm in arm with Senator-elect Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin, Warren passed...

UPDATE – No new submissions being accepted for now, the response was so overwhelming that there’s already a huge backlog. This will be a continuation of the photos after the first post, National Empty Chair Day (photos from around country), became too long. There are...

While Richard Mourdock is rising, don’t count Dick Lugar out.  He’s throwing everything he has at Mourdock this week, each day multiple new accusations.  A poll just out shows Lugar with a two point lead, via National Journal: Sen. Richard Lugar and Indiana Treasurer Richard...

* a piece of pizza shaped like a gun. This is from the “you can’t make this stuff up” file (h/t @SteveEgg via @SykesCharlie): For the rest of the semester, a Rutherford County elementary student has to eat lunch at the “silent table” for allegedly...

Shocking breaking news — Newt Gingrich’s health care policy consulting firm earned consulting fees from health care companies interested in health care policy! Shocking breaking news — Water is wet. Shocking breaking news — Taylor Marsh has harsh words about Sarah Palin. Shocking breaking news — some...

MSNBC, Obama’s favorite network, reported on Obama’s trip with Joe Biden to get a burger. Just two wild and crazy guys out for some red meat. Andrea Mitchell (does she have nothing else to do?) reported that Obama ordered a burger and mustard. Sounds like...

Controversy is swirling around the appointment of Yale Law School Professor and Dean Harold Koh to the position of State Department Legal Advisor, essentially the top lawyer at State. Koh is being portrayed as willing to apply Sharia law in some circumstances, as is happening...

Pawtucket, RI, is just north of Providence. Pawtucket (pronounced “p-tuk–et” to those in the know) is an old mill town which has huge economic problems (as does the entire State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations). So what should the federal government do to help...