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In my post yesterday about the Wisconsin Supreme Court overturning Judge Sumi, I opined: This is a sweeping victory for Republicans and Gov. Scott Walker. (And for my prior legal anaylsis, but that’s another matter. I’ll be spiking the football, for sure.) …. Okay, analysis done, now...

In the continuing saga, in which Palin is being savaged and mocked, please listen to this NPR interview with Robert Allison, a professor and historian at Suffolk University, in which Allison argues that while Palin may have had some details wrong, she mostly was correct about Paul Revere’s...

(By Michael Alan) Earlier this week, DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz told CNN that Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) is dealing with “a personal matter.” That “personal matter” includes not knowing “with certitude” whether or not the, er, picture that was tweeted to a 21 year old...

Kathleen Commencement season is upon us, which means that insipid celebrities of all flavors will bestow their opinions upon a new generation of bright-eyed college grads. Notable was former President Bill Clinton. His prose at the NYU graduation read like so: “today’s business schools are...

Kathleen I’ve written before about how higher education is the next bubble, and I’m glad that Mark Schneider of AIR has done some research on behalf of AEI to really hit the nail on the head. Here are your talking points, folks: average lifetime earnings...

Kathleen Today is Slope Day, a Cornell tradition on the last day of classes. A few thousand members of the Cornell community gather on our enormous slope that separates the West Campus from the Arts Quad to listen to music and, well, drink. I’m sure...

Kathleen “[The] University of Nebraska-Lincoln is proposing a new tuition structure to allow it to charge engineering students significantly more for a bachelor’s degree than it charges English majors. … According to research by Glen Nelson, senior vice president of finance and administration for the...

Kathleen Brian Bolduc of National Review has an excellent Op Ed in The Crimson today detailing the “facts of life” after Harvard: “College is a holiday from history, during which you have few real responsibilities—that is, the kind you can’t talk your way out of....

The credentialed but unhinged class is making life really easy for moi: A University of Iowa professor felt the need to reply to a blast email by the College Republicans on Monday morning. Ellen Lewin, a professor of Anthropology and Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies in...

Ken Layne, the owner and lead editor of Wonkette, is in damage control mode over the article by recent college grad Jack Stuef ripping into and mocking Trig Palin. Dave Weigel (h/t Instapundit) received this e-mail from Layne: I have four kids myself and I wouldn’t want...

… (Whitney Point, NY, 4-17-2011) And we we should give further thanks that the current President of the United States understands the forces which come together in what we sometimes call “markets.”  Because if we had as President someone less highly credentialed, less schooled in...

Kathleen This week has hosted an unusual amount of conservative speakers on the Cornell campus. On Monday, Yuval Levin, of National Affairs fame, addressed the student body through our “Freedom and Free Societies” speaker series. Levin gave a really succinct overview of the implications of...

A blog post by one of the students in Jeff Cohen’s Independent Media class at Ithaca College, to which I linked this morning, has led The Lonely Conservative to argue that my comment moderation policy contributes to the content of the blog: Since Professor Jacobson’s...

I had the pleasure of appearing as a guest speaker at the Independent Media class taught by Jeff Cohen at Ithaca College.  One of the students posted about it: “My independent media professor invited William A. Jacobson, creator of conservative blog “Legal Insurrection,” to our class...

Obama announced via Twitter that his grassroots campaign will start today, on the eve of his nationwide tour of big money donors so that he can become the first billion-dollar candidate in the history of this country (sorry, that last part wasn’t in the announcement). The Obama...

Kathleen The Cornell Review began the week after Spring Break with esteemed Cornell alum, Keith Olbermann, stomping on a copy of February’s publication and calling most conservatives stupid. So while the week started rough, today the Review team distributed a parody of our resident lefty-newspaper,...