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"There is a core group on campus at Cornell and elsewhere, which has bought into this sort of revolutionary ideology as regards to Israel, and they direct it to Israel and they direct it to the United States. So it is definitely present. We have a terrorism supporting problem on campuses that universities refuse to address."

The Grünbaum heirs tried in vain for 17 years to get Oberlin College to return the drawing, including multiple demands and a civil lawsuit. But it was a recent criminal seizure warrant out of the Manhattan District Attorney’s office and attendant bad publicity that appears to have swayed Oberlin College finally to give up the stolen property.

The Manhattan D.A. recently issued a criminal seizure warrant for 'Girl With Black Hair' in the possession of Oberlin College's Allen Museum. Court records in a civil case reveal that the college has been fighting at least since 2006 against return of the drawing. This is in contrast to the college's repatriation of an item of Native American craft returned to the Nez Perce tribe in 2002. Are items stolen from Jews during the Holocaust less worthy of return than items obtained from Native American tribes?