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Happy Thanksgiving Eve.  Here are some things I’ve noticed but have not been able to do separate posts about: ABA Gives “Not Qualified” Rating to 14 of 185 Proposed Obama Judicial Nominees.  This reminds me of the futile attempt to stop the nomination of a...

Chavez is on his deathbed. (But, of course, the state is in denial.) I don’t care much at all for Francis Fukuyama, but his 2006 write-up on Chávez’s ascent in WaPo was pretty good. Or, at least, clear: Latin America has indeed witnessed a turn...

A headline on the BBC caught my eye today:  The warming wine regions. […] High-value grapes are grown within a narrow climate window, Stanford earth scientist Noah Diffenbaugh said, making them more sensitive to temperature variations than standard crops. In Tuscany, a Florence University study found that...

Such as a “no fly zone” over all of northern Africa, spreading across the globe, because while we broke Muammar Gaddafi’s army, we didn’t fix the problem of tens of thousands of mobile surface-to-air missiles. As reported by the Christian Science Monitor: At newly discovered...

I’ve been receiving e-mails from readers in the past weeks insisting that Obama would kill the pipeline planned to bring “oil sands” oil from Canada to the U.S.  Given the Obama administration’s policies to date, such expectation was reasonable. The environmental movement made the oil...

I just listened to Obama’s statement on Libya, and while he didn’t spike the football, he’s pretty proud of himself. And, if as it now appears Qaddafi is gone, and if what replaces him is not even worse, then Obama should be proud of himself. ...

The breadth and depth of the Obama’s administrations screwed up priorities is straggering. It’s not bad enough that they are on the wrong side of big government history domestically, we have witnessed a wholesale abdication of power abroad in a myriad of ways. This story...

This photo of an Israeli soldier standing on a young Palestinian girl is making the rounds on the internet and evoking enormous anti-Israel vitriol: As Israel Matzav points out, however, the photo is not what it seems: There’s one small problem – the photo is...

Following up on the story earlier about predictions of a looming mini-Ice Age due to changes in solar sun spot activity, reader Billy sent me a link to this Time magazine article from 1974, Another Ice Age? I’ll excerpt the article here, but you really...

I saw this coming from a mile away.  Actually, from two months away. Obama insisted on a U.N. Security Council Resolution authorizing a no-fly zone in Libya.  But the U.S. and NATO attacks on Libya have exceeded the U.N. mandate.  What was hailed as a...

We have set the bar so low for how the international community deals with the bloodshed in Syria, that even Bashar Assad probably can meet it: The United States said Wednesday that Syria’s release of political prisoners “does not go far enough,” adding that all...

Kathleen Maddow referred to “nullification” as something only “racist neo-Confederates” would support. Tom Woods makes an apt criticism of this insipid characterization over at Lew Rockwell: Whatever happened to “small is beautiful,” Rachel? Remember that progressive slogan (along with “question authority,” yet another such slogan...

Kathleen Vanity Fair, to which I begrudgingly subscribe (anything that keeps Hitchens on a payroll can’t be that bad, right?), brought my blood to a boil this morning when I read their latest article on ‘inequality.’ Here’s the gist: “Americans have been watching protests against...

Kathleen City Journal‘s Claire Berlinski has written a great article about the disinterest around Pavel Stroilov’s 50,000 unpublished, untranslated, top-secret Kremlin documents dating from the close of the Cold War. journalists [have] initially shown interest in the documents, only to [say] later that their editors...

The Obama administration declined to use military force in Libya until obtaining the authorization of the U.N. Security Council.  Put aside for now whether such authorization was necessary and whether U.S. Congressional authorization also was needed. The U.S. and coalition offensive military action clearly exceeds the...

Christopher Hitchens has really been phenomenal in the past few weeks. In his Vanity Fair April article, he does not disappoint. He mulls over all the revolutions he has seen, and concludes that Egypt is not as poignant as it seems: Neither in exile nor...