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The Democrats have decided to include a government takeover of the student loan business as part of the health care package in order to convince some reluctant Democrats to vote Yes for Obamacare. As reported by The Hill: Attaching a student aid bill to the...

It’s hard to know if this really is the week when Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid finally get their way. Regardless of outcome, these have been some of our finest hours. From the Tea Parties which sprang to life last April, to the...

Ok, so Eric Massa has issues. But sometimes people with issues are correct. As we roll towards the latest deadline to pass Obamacare, it is clear that Massa’s departure at this moment in time was a result of his vocal willingness to vote against the...

The ruling by the Senate Parliamentarian requiring that Obama sign a health care bill into law before the reconciliation process could begin is damaging to the Democrats’ procedural maneuvers. But is it fatal? Hard to say. Allahpundit has the possible twists and turns, including the...

Don’t think government, if given the chance, will try to control the most minute aspects of your life? Don’t worry that once the bureaucracy gets ahold of the right to regulate your health care decisions — starting with what type of insurance you are required...

I understand that some people were upset when Scott Brown voted for the $15 billion “jobs” bill in February. Brown’s voting for cloture on the $140 billion spending bill earlier this week, although he voted against the bill on the merits, also was worrisome (although...

Yesterday almost was the greatest day in the history of Palin Derangement Syndrome. A deep, dark secret was revealed: When Palin was a child in the late 1960s, her family on a few occasions skipped across the border into Canada and … (wait for it)...

Eric Massa (D-NY) is set to resign today. If he has not yet tendered his resignation, he should not do so. At least not if he is being forced out because of his health care vote, which is what he alleged over the weekend in...

There is no more pernicious aspect of the pending health care bills (Senate, House and Obama “proposal”) than the mandate. The mandate is the provision which requires that individuals purchase private insurance. From that mandate flows a host of governmental controls over our lives, from...

Probably the single biggest obstacle to Obamacare is House Democrats who do not like the Senate health care bill, but whose votes are needed to move the budget reconciliation process along. The strategy appears to be for the House to pass the Senate bill as...

Britain’s health care system in many ways is our canary in the coal mine warning us about the dangers of Obamacare. What can and does go wrong in Britain is widely documented almost daily in the British press. From these reports, we learn the danger...

A few days ago I wrote that Obama had declared legislative war in signalling that budget reconciliation would be the way to go to pass Obama’s health care plan. The doomed-to-fail health care summit was just a justification. The signals today are even clearer. Democrats...

is that this headline would not be surprising if it were at any of a number of left-wing blogs which do everything they can to smear Tea Party attendees and anyone else who opposes Obamacare and the massive expansion of government: Photo Emerges Of Murderous...

The health care fight is coming to a head. We’re in the 15th round, and the health care summit to be followed by budget reconciliation is Obama’s desperate attempt to land a one-two knockout punch because he is down on points. Now is not the...

What Obama needs to pass his health care restructuring bill is a good political crisis. One in which he can stand there and proclaim, as he did with the stimulus bill, that we are on the edge of a catastrophe. And since the only way...

What would one call a political strategy which depended upon portraying the majority of Americans as crazy extremists? The answer is: The current Democratic Party strategy which ignores the meaning of the Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts races, and focuses on smearing opponents as extremists...

My new favorite source of screen shots has outdone itself, with this post and headline The first senator of the reality show era: The text of the Politico post has nothing to do with reality: Brown’s arrival reflects a fundamental change in American politics, the...