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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



Before the news cycle (finally) turned to stories about the Tara Reade allegations against Joe Biden and the FBI's apparent shocking malfeasance in entrapping General Mike Flynn, the Washington Post published a story claiming that President Trump ignored Wuhan coronavirus warnings issued throughout January and February in his daily presidential briefing book. The story was picked up and regurgitated by an anti-Trump activist media intent on undermining Trump by any means necessary, including by burying, as WaPo did, clear refutation of their unsubstantiated claim.

Do not let the United Nations fool you. Although it may have essentially closed its doors in favor of online meetings in the age of coronavirus, its obsessive anti-Israel bias is alive and well. Through its numerous bodies, the UN falsely paints Israeli policy, not COVID-19 itself, as the primary threat to Palestinian health.

Germany banned the Iran-sponsored terrorist group Hezbollah from operating in the country, German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer disclosed on Thursday. The announcement came ahead of police raids on several mosques located across Germany. "Police measures are underway in several federal states concurrently" against Hezbollah backers, Seehofer confirmed.

A BuzzFeed News report on Tuesday found that presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden's campaign has circulated talking points when it comes to Tara Reade. She accused him of sexual assault in 1993. The talking points used information from a New York Times investigation, but the publication said the campaign is "inaccurately" describing the information.