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The Nation has run a post, “GOP Know-Nothings Fought Pandemic Preparedness,” which seeks to blame the opponents of the Stimulus Plan for lack of preparedness for the swine flu outbreak. The post, like most big lies, has a kernel of truth, but twists reality for...

Ezra Klein, blogger for the “liberal” American Prospect, got caught by Politico coordinating his stories with other liberal bloggers and journalists. Exposed for being a journalistic fraud, Klein needed an enemy. He found Ann Althouse. Althouse, who has a very popular blog, could be considered...

Adding to the disrespect shown visiting British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, the Brits are upset once again because the U.S. Department of Treasury is not answering their phone calls on preparations for the upcoming G20 Summit: The head of the civil service, Sir Gus [O’Donnell]...

The withdrawal of Judd Gregg as nominee for Commerce Secretary has revealed, once again, the nasty side of Barack Obama. At his news conference, Gregg went out of his way not to criticize Obama, simply explaining that he could not give “110%” in service to...

Tom Daschle, under a cloud of income tax evasion, has withdrawn from consideration for the post of Secretary of Health and Human Services. Daschle could not stand the heat not only of his current tax problems, but also the exposure of his previous tax avoidance...

The media is all aflutter today with reports — as headlined in the NY Times — that “all active-duty and reserve forces meeting or exceeding their recruitment goals for the first time since 2004, the year that violence in Iraq intensified drastically….” This is the...

Events are moving so quickly in the saga of Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, that there has been precious little time to reflect. But as I look back on the past month, I keep thinking of Raymond J. Donovan, and a question keeps nagging me; what...

Barack Obama is one of the most aggressive politicians this nation has ever seen, but his aggression is masked by soothing talk and words of hope. Is it really surprising that Obama has named Rahm Emanuel, nicknamed Rahmbo for his aggressive partisan style, as White...