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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



A recent Harvard grad has lost her job after posting a video to social media threatening to stab people for using the words "all lives matter." After the video went viral and her employer cut her loose, she created more videos blaming Trump supporters for her situation. Is this what an Ivy League education gets you these days?

L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti finally admitted that there is a connection between the uptick of the coronavirus in California and the Black Lives Matter protests:
“I talked again with Dr. Ferrer about that this morning. She does think some of the spread did come from our protests," he said. "It’s not the act of protesting – that’s a great and American thing to do no matter what your opinion is… but protesting without maintaining physical distancing, without wearing your mask, without having sanitizer – we just have to be smart. Whether you’re at a protest or at your home, whether in your workplace or whether you’re out shopping, these rules don’t change.”

Three weeks ago, the Hollywood media proudly proclaimed that over 100,000 attended the Black Lives Matter rallies in Los Angeles.
After more than a week of protests against police violence following the death of George Floyd, Los Angeles saw its largest demonstration so far flood the streets of Hollywood on Sunday. An estimated 100,000 people attended the march, according to Black Lives Matter Los Angeles, which organized the action along with BLD PWR and the rapper YG.

While the United Nations and the European governments are falling over each other to condemn Israel over its proposed plan to apply sovereignty to Judea and Samaria, a region that constitutes the historic Jewish heartland, Communist China is cracking down on Hong Kong residents, empowered by a new draconian security law which came into effect on Tuesday midnight.