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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



The Chicago Public Schools (CPS) and the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) have a proposal to return to the classroom for the first time since March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The CTU insisted the two sides still need "a formal agreement." They consider the proposal a "framework that all of our members must first review and assess."

Before Joe Biden even took office, DHS reported a surge in illegal border crossings in anticipation of his presidency.  Since taking office, Biden has been busily undoing President Trump's border and illegal immigration policy, effectively opening our borders in the midst of a global pandemic.

The California public school and university systems have seen their fair share of controversy—from outrage at the Islamist Council on American-Islamic Relations' (CAIR) involvement in a San Diego "anti-bullying" program to blowback against the Burbank Unified School District's practice of temporarily discontinuing the teaching of classic books. Now, the state's Department of Education is back in the hot-seat as its much-reviled "Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (ESMC) " has once again made headlines for its reliance on the neo-Marxist (so-called) academic discipline known as "Critical Ethnic Studies."

United Nations inspectors have found new evidence that "Iran has undertaken work on nuclear weapons," the Wall Street Journal reported on Saturday. The UN nuclear watchdog, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), found traces of radioactive material at Iranian nuclear sites, indicating that the regime is secretly building a nuclear bomb, the report suggests.

Since my last report on the nonpartisan 'Recall Newsom' petition effort, signature gatherers have collected 100,000 more names for a total of 1.4 million and are rapidly closing in on the 1.5 million signature level needed to get the recall on the ballot.

In a bizarrely congratulatory, even boastful, article entitled "The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election," Time sketches a chilling portrait of a "well-funded cabal" of Democrats, activists, the media, Never Trumpers, unions, Big Tech, and Big Business who conspired to ensure that President Trump lost his reelection bid and was unsuccessful in his efforts to challenge the results.

The purge of anything and everyone even vaguely related to President Trump is taking yet another ominous turn. Two banks, Deutsche and Signature, severed ties with Trump ostensibly due to the Capitol events of January 6th, but apparently just having a pro-Trump internet business is enough to get one cancelled.

Last week, the Daily Beast reported that New York Times health and science reporter Donald McNeil Jr. had landed himself in hot water with the paper over allegations he used racially offensive and sexist language during a 2019 student trip to Peru. The educational trip, which was open to high school and middle school students and their families, was sponsored by the Times.

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has ruled that it has the jurisdiction to investigate Israel for alleged war crimes. The court's ruling on Friday paves the way for the ICC prosecutors to open a probe against the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) for their defensive military actions against Gaza-based Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups.

Virtually all of the late night 'entertainment' shows are now voices for the radical left. These shows used to exist for the enjoyment of all Americans, but now they parrot DNC talking points, demean traditional American beliefs, and mock anything to the right of Bernie Sanders. They really enjoyed bashing Trump nightly, but now that he is gone they're making up for it with other topics.