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Colorado Springs District 49 voted 3-2 to ban critical race theory (CRT) from its curriculum: Thursday night, nearly all of the public comments focused on a resolution to ban CRT in District 49. Parents opposing teaching CRIT claimed it would divide students. One parent who...

My appearance on the John DePetro Show: "there's this specific, significant part of our society who controls education, who believes that perpetual, never-ending racial conflict is a good thing.... It almost becomes a religion. And it's going to take us to a very bad place."

My appearance on Point of View with Chris Berg: "What happens is they take the concepts of Critical Race Theory, and they maybe call it something else .... But the concepts are the same, which is that the country, the nation is systemically racist. That race is the center of inequities in our country. And that people who have a certain skin color are either advantaged or disadvantaged because of that and have certain obligations."