Awakening To The Loss of Institutions: Critical Race Theory Fight Is About Preventing Society From Turning Against Itself
A Twitter thread read on air by Tucker Carlson ostensibly was about 2020 election media manipulation, but it reflects a broader awakening to institutional rot that is playing out state by state, school district by school district, and school by school. CRT is the cultural battle of our time.

I don’t always get predictions correct, but back in 2017 I was spot on in predicting the situation we are in now, with the loss of almost every major institution to ideological exploitation from the left.
The occasion of that prediction was my annual anniversary post for that year, Legal Insurrection is 9 years old, and filled with dread:
Last year I noted that while it was a difficult year personally, I was optimistic. That’s been one of my roles over the years, keeping hope alive. But there’s no pep talk this year. Just dread….
Imagine living in a repressive country in which the government blocked access to and suppressed internet content. You don’t need to move. It’s coming here but from private industry. This is, in many ways, more dangerous than government suppression of free speech because at least in the U.S. the government is subject to the First Amendment, and can be voted out of office.
I don’t know if there are any uncorrupted institutions left that matter. The education system, from public grade school through public and private higher ed, is gone. The frontal assault on free speech on campuses is the result. If you think this is just a Humanities and Social Sciences problem, stay tuned. In 3-5 years, if we’re still here, we’ll be writing about how the social justice warriors have corrupted the STEM fields. It’s happening now, it’s just not in the headlines yet.
There is a rising tide of absolutism in ideas and enforcement of ideological uniformity that is palpable. I feel it in the air, even at Cornell which is far from the worst….
Even language as a means of communication is corrupted, with terminology manipulated and coerced to achieve political ends. It started on campuses, and it’s moved into the AP stylebook and the mainstream.
The press could stand as a bulwark against this slide, but it too is corrupted. The greatest threat to freedom of the press is not Donald Trump’s bloviating about FCC licenses (which has been a favorite threat traditionally of Democrats), but the mainstream press itself which has abdicated even the pretense of neutrality and joined #TheResistance….
So I’m thinking through what it will mean to live without institutions.
Heading quickly towards the list of corrupted institutions is much of K-12, and the military, which under Biden is starting to rot from the head. Neither is there yet completely, but give it time unless the trajectory is redirected. The fight to salvage K-12 will take place state by state, school district by school district, and in some cases, school by school. The fight to save the military will require a national electoral change.
This is not the usual — oh, we lost an election, Bush/Obama/Trump is now president, we’re screwed. What we are witnessing in real time is the wholesale turning of society against itself.
The implementation of Critical Race Theory in various forms is a part of it, turning society against itself through manufactured racial conflict. This racial self-flaggelation is epitomized by Ibram X. Kendi’s misleadingly titled “antiracism” formula, in which the world is divided into “antiracists” (engaged in a never-ending struggle to unravel ‘systemic’ racism by destroying norms) and “racists” (everyone else who does not agree with them or just wants to be left alone or advocates treating people without regard to skin color). CRT and its offshoots are societal dead ends of perpetual conflict and repression.
People get it that CRT or whatever you want to call it in the nom ju jour (“antiracism” “equity” “culturally sensitive learing” blah, blah, blah) is destructive, not educational. That the two largest teachers unions in the nation have come out for and vow to fight with all their resources to advance CRT to children, even if against the wishes of local parents and state government, reflects that the money and power in society are behind this national death march.
That’s why opposition to CRT is so strong and so organic, and powerful (via The Morning Call, emphasis added):
The politics that [Matt] Taibbi clearly abhors and critiques [here] are, in a very real sense, beside the point. Let us say that again, to be perfectly clear: the legislative efforts to “ban” the teaching of Critical Race Theory, the parental attempts to pushback against school boards and against teachers’ unions, and the whole “political marketing campaign” DO NOT constitute the “main front in the culture war.” Collectively, they are a secondary front in the war at best. They are a reaction to the effects of the primary front, on which conservatives are, contra Taibbi, winning handily.
Ironically, for the last two decades or so, conservatives have paid lip service to the “Breitbart doctrine,” which says that “politics is downstream from culture,” but have done precious little to prove that they actually believe this. In the case of Critical Race Theory and associated phenomena, however, conservatives are actually practicing what they preach, putting culture first and letting the political cards fall where they may.
The leaders in the conservative pushback against CRT are not policymakers or even policy-wonks. They are, rather, intellectuals, writers, documentary filmmakers – cultural “influencers,” to borrow a social media term. They are not advocating policy or encouraging political actors. They are not writing bills and issuing pedagogical statements. Rather, they are exposing the reality that exists today throughout the nation’s institutions of cultural transmission. They are doing the job that most investigative journalists won’t do, revealing the attitudes and ideas that dominate the ruling class’s belief system, and compelling honest disclosure from the governing elites to the parents, voters, shareholders, and customers who comprise the American people.
You cannot divorce the rise of a grassroots cultural opposition to national racial self-immolation from the awakening to the loss of institutions. The realization that even kindergarteners are being exploited and manipulated into viewing their country as uniquely and irredeemably evil reflects an awakening to more than education.
One of the reasons Tucker Carlson is the most watched cable news show, and has become the focus of attack from corporatist media and the political left, is that he has put his finger on the pulse of this loss of institutions, and what it means for an individual in such circumstance.
Last night Tucker read a Twitter thread on his show. The video is below. The thread ostensibly is about why Trump voters feel cheated by the 2020 election, even if they do not accept particular ballot fraud theories. The manipulation of the electoral process in the run up to the election, even if not fraudulent, awakened tens of millions of people to the loss of institutions, and they can’t unsee it.
Here’s the text of the thread (with some highlighting by me on points that ring particularly true) by “Martyrmade” (Darryl Cooper).
I think I’ve had discussions w/enough Boomer-tier Trump supporters who believe the 2020 election was fraudulent to extract a general theory about their perspective. It is also the perspective of most of the people at the Capitol on 1/6, and probably even Trump himself. 1/x
Most believe some or all of the theories involving midnight ballots, voting machines, etc, but what you find when you talk to them is that, while they’ll defend those positions w/info they got from Hannity or Breitbart or whatever, they’re not particularly attached to them. 2/x
Here are the facts – actual, confirmed facts – that shape their perspective: 1) The FBI/etc spied on the 2016 Trump campaign using evidence manufactured by the Clinton campaign. We now know that all involved knew it was fake from Day 1 (see: Brennan’s July 2016 memo, etc). 3/x
These are Tea Party people. The types who give their kids a pocket Constitution for their birthday and have Founding Fathers memes in their bios. The intel community spying on a presidential campaign using fake evidence (incl forged documents) is a big deal to them. 4/x
Everyone involved lied about their involvement as long as they could. We only learned the DNC paid for the manufactured evidence because of a court order. Comey denied on TV knowing the DNC paid for it, when we have emails from a year earlier proving that he knew. 5/x
This was true with everyone, from CIA Dir Brennan & Adam Schiff – who were on TV saying they’d seen clear evidence of collusion w/Russia, while admitting under oath behind closed doors that they hadn’t – all the way down the line. In the end we learned that it was ALL fake. 6/x
At first, many Trump ppl were worried there must be some collusion, because every media & intel agency wouldn’t make it up out of nothing. When it was clear that they had made it up, people expected a reckoning, and shed many illusions about their gov’t when it didn’t happen. 7/x
We know as fact: a) The Steele dossier was the sole evidence used to justify spying on the Trump campaign, b) The FBI knew the Steele dossier was a DNC op, c) Steele’s source told the FBI the info was unserious, d) they did not inform the court of any of this and kept spying. 8/x
Trump supporters know the collusion case front and back. They went from worrying the collusion must be real, to suspecting it might be fake, to realizing it was a scam, then watched as every institution – agencies, the press, Congress, academia – gaslit them for another year. 9/x
Worse, collusion was used to scare people away from working in the administration. They knew their entire lives would be investigated. Many quit because they were being bankrupted by legal fees. The DoJ, press, & gov’t destroyed lives and actively subverted an elected admin. 10/x
This is where people whose political identity was largely defined by a naive belief in what they learned in Civics class began to see the outline of a Regime that crossed all institutional boundaries. Because it had stepped out of the shadows to unite against an interloper. 11/x
GOP propaganda still has many of them thinking in terms of partisan binaries, but A LOT of Trump supporters see that the Regime is not partisan. They all know that the same institutions would have taken opposite sides if it was a Tulsi Gabbard vs Jeb Bush election. 12/x
It’s hard to describe to people on the left (who are used to thinking of gov’t as a conspiracy… Watergate, COINTELPRO, WMD, etc) how shocking & disillusioning this was for people who encourage their sons to enlist in the Army, and hate ppl who don’t stand for the Anthem. 13/x
They could have managed the shock if it only involved the government. But the behavior of the corporate press is really what radicalized them. They hate journalists more than they hate any politician or gov’t official, because they feel most betrayed by them. 14/x
The idea that the press is driven by ratings/sensationalism became untenable. If that were true, they’d be all over the Epstein story. The corporate press is the propaganda arm of the Regime they now see in outline. Nothing anyone says will ever make them unsee that, period. 15/x
This is profoundly disorienting. Many of them don’t know for certain whether ballots were faked in November 2020, but they know for absolute certain that the press, the FBI, etc would lie to them if there was. They have every reason to believe that, and it’s probably true. 16/x
They watched the press behave like animals for four years. Tens of millions of people will always see Kavanaugh as a gang rapist, based on nothing, because of CNN. And CNN seems proud of that. They led a lynch mob against a high school kid. They cheered on a summer of riots. 17/x
They always claimed the media had liberal bias, fine, whatever. They still thought the press would admit truth if they were cornered. Now they don’t. It’s a different thing to watch them invent stories whole cloth in order to destroy regular lives and spark mass violence. 18/x
Time Mag told us that during the 2020 riots, there were weekly conference calls involving, among others, leaders of the protests, the local officials who refused to stop them, and media people who framed them for political effect. In Ukraine we call that a color revolution. 19/x
Throughout the summer, Democrat governors took advantage of COVID to change voting procedures. It wasn’t just the mail-ins (they lowered signature matching standards, etc). After the collusion scam, the fake impeachment, Trump ppl expected shenanigans by now. 20/x
Re: “fake impeachment”, we now know that Trump’s request for Ukraine to cooperate w/the DOJ regarding Biden’s $ activities in Ukraine was in support of an active investigation being pursued by the FBI and Ukraine AG at the time, and so a completely legitimate request. 21/x
Then you get the Hunter laptop scandal. Big Tech ran a full-on censorship campaign against a major newspaper to protect a political candidate. Period. Everyone knows it, all of the Tech companies now admit it was a “mistake” – but, ya know, the election’s over, so who cares? 22/x
Goes w/o saying, but: If the NY Times had Don Jr’s laptop, full of pics of him smoking crack and engaging in group sex, lots of lurid family drama, emails describing direct corruption and backed up by the CEO of the company they were using, the NYT wouldn’t have been banned. 23/x
Think back: Stories about Trump being pissed on by Russian prostitutes and blackmailed by Putin were promoted as fact, and the only evidence was a document paid for by his opposition and disavowed by its source. The NY Post was banned for reporting on true information. 24/x
The reaction of Trump ppl to all this was not, “no fair!” That’s how they felt about Romney’s “binders of women” in 2012. This is different. Now they see, correctly, that every institution is captured by ppl who will use any means to exclude them from the political process. 25/x
And yet they showed up in record numbers to vote. He got 13m more votes than in 2016, 10m more than Clinton got! As election night dragged on, they allowed themselves some hope. But when the four critical swing states (and only those states) went dark at midnight, they knew. 26/x
Over the ensuing weeks, they got shuffled around by grifters and media scam artists selling them conspiracy theories. They latched onto one, then another increasingly absurd theory as they tried to put a concrete name on something very real. 27/x
Media & Tech did everything to make things worse. Everything about the election was strange – the changes to procedure, unprecedented mail-in voting, the delays, etc – but rather than admit that and make everything transparent, they banned discussion of it (even in DMs!). 28/x
Everyone knows that, just as Don Jr’s laptop would’ve been the story of the century, if everything about the election dispute was the same, except the parties were reversed, suspicions about the outcome would’ve been Taken Very Seriously. See 2016 for proof. 29/x
Even the courts’ refusal of the case gets nowhere w/them, because of how the opposition embraced mass political violence. They’ll say, w/good reason: What judge will stick his neck out for Trump knowing he’ll be destroyed in the media as a violent mob burns down his house? 30/x
It’s a fact, according to Time Magazine, that mass riots were planned in cities across the country if Trump won. Sure, they were “protests”, but they were planned by the same people as during the summer, and everyone knows what it would have meant. Judges have families, too. 31/x
Forget the ballot conspiracies. It’s a fact that governors used COVID to unconstitutionally alter election procedures (the Constitution states that only legislatures can do so) to help Biden to make up for a massive enthusiasm gap by gaming the mail-in ballot system. 32/x
They knew it was unconstitutional, it’s right there in plain English. But they knew the cases wouldn’t see court until after the election. And what judge will toss millions of ballots because a governor broke the rules? The threat of mass riots wasn’t implied, it was direct. 33/x
a) The entrenched bureaucracy & security state subverted Trump from Day 1, b) The press is part of the operation, c) Election rules were changed, d) Big Tech censors opposition, e) Political violence is legitimized & encouraged, f) Trump is banned from social media. 34/x
They were led down some rabbit holes, but they are absolutely right that their gov’t is monopolized by a Regime that believes they are beneath representation, and will observe no limits to keep them getting it. Trump fans should be happy he lost; it might’ve kept him alive. /end
Although I highlighted it above, it’s worth repeating how disgusting and manipulative corporate mainstream media has become:
But the behavior of the corporate press is really what radicalized them. They hate journalists more than they hate any politician or gov’t official, because they feel most betrayed by them.
Here is video Tucker reading most of the thread (via The Right Scoop):
(also here if doesn’t load)
Reaction from people who “get it” has been strong.
Glenn Greenwald, who has become a visible critic of corporate (including liberal/left) media, focused particularly on the suppression of the Hunter Biden story:
Twitter literally prohibited all links to reports about the Biden docs, not just publicly but in DMs. FB announced — through a life-long Dem operative — it would algorithmically suppress the story pending a fact-check (which never came). It was brute censorship to elect Biden.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) July 9, 2021
Just ponder it: weeks before the 2020 vote, corporate media, CIA, Big Tech and the Dem Party all conspired to manufacture a lie — Biden docs were "Russian disinformation" — to justify censoring them. @NatashaBertrand did it, then got promoted to CNN.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) July 9, 2021
Others predict where this loss of institutions will lead:
The Right will pick a fascist soon. A real one. Nothing like Trump. I mean a real one. This will happen in my lifetime. People will not be abused like this without end.
It will be terrible, but it’s inevitable.
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) July 9, 2021
Every day, you become a little more like Jesse Kelly or a little more like David French. We are all inching in one direction or the other. Say whatever you want; you well know whom you’d want beside you if it hits the fan. And it’s hitting the fan, by the way.
— Anna James Zeigler (@ajzeigler) July 8, 2021
When I say you see things like Jesse Kelly or like French, that means you either understand no one will be spared, or you clap along because you’re certain the train isn’t coming for you.
— Anna James Zeigler (@ajzeigler) July 9, 2021
In 2017, I was filled with dread. I wish I had been wrong.
Perhaps people have finally woken up, or perhaps better phrased, awakened up.
If the national teachers unions and the activists who now inhabit the Biden administration have their way, things are going to get much worse. Don’t let them win. The fight against CRT and its offshoots is the great cultural battle of our time, the politics will follow.

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Great column. Keep up the good work. I’m making a donation today to L.I.
The Martyrmade thread was powerful. I saw it yesterday afternoon and am amazed at how it has “gone viral”. It has hit a chord. I don’t know who Darryl Cooper is, but he is onto something.
The Darryl Cooper analysis is comprehensive and breathtaking.
And… there’s no other way to say this… the ONLY way we are going to avoid being literally slaughtered by the left is to make judges and their families fear us as much as they fear those rioters.
“Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty.”
— John Basil Barnhill
I don’t like saying this, but it’s inescapable. and the longer we put it off, the more entrenched and organized that opposition is going to be.
Antifa used to be a disorganized collection of basement-dwelling cosplayers. Now they are a disciplined, trained, armed, and coordinated insurgency. Every month we “wait patiently” to take out America’s destroyers is three more months it will take dedicated Americans to subdue them.
Excellent article.
It’s the brainwashing in Public Leftist Seminaries that are our schools I worry will be the demise of the country.
Soon every school kid will be carting around a little red book denouncing adults to be racists or supremacists including their parents.
Professor Jacobson noted accurately that “Even language as a means of communication is corrupted”. That’s because that corruption is intentional and it even has a name according to the World Bank.
This is what a WB paper called Participatory Communication: A Practical Guide stated:
“Most recently participatory approaches to communication [one of the 4 Cs of 21st Century Skills in case anyone has forgotten] have reenforced the emphasis on structural and social change. A broad-based policy debate initiated by the Rockefeller Foundation in 1997 and pursued by the Communication for Social Change Consortium in subsequent years has focused on structural inequality and social transformation. The ‘Rockefeller process’ led to a definition of communication for social change as ‘a process of public and private dialogue through which people themselves define who they are, what they need and how to get what they need in order to improve their own lives. It utilizes dialogue that leads to collective problem identification, decision-making, and community-based implementation of solutions to development issues.’”
CRT is a component of the Rockefeller Foundation funded CFSC for the same reason that the Foundation is also working now with UNESCO, in an initiative to target each student’s ‘anticipatory assumptions” (about anything that might affect future decision-making) that commenced in 2014 with their backing. CRT also gets at that ‘apprehension’. The provided conceptual framework starts with a provided ‘understanding’ grounded in emotions and sensational images. Those concepts then guide what gets noticed and perceived in daily experiences, which then guides how the person makes sense of the world around them.
The lack of objective racism in a society is not relevant if there is a prevailing sense that racism exists and every gap between what is hoped for someday and what exists must be closed. When nothing in a society is stable and decisions are being made on theory and ‘ought to be’, we are all in trouble.
“21st Century Skills” –what a load of claptrap. There are 12 skills altogether. 1 of the other Cs is Critical Thinking & Problem Solving.
It’s kind of funny that you would attribute “Politics is downstream from culture” to Breitbart. Pope John Paul II was pointing this out in the 1980’s.
Since then, it has been a standard part of Catholic culture, one of the few cultures that was struggling to understand what the hell was going wrong in the world.
Are you aware that the current Pope has launched the Humanity 2.0 Initiative using K-12 education globally or that Pope John Paul II’s Vatican was the place where IMBES–the International Mind Brain Education Society was formed?
I mentioned the World Bank above. In 2015 their annual guide was also dedicated to their involvement with the Mind Brain Education and Behavior work. The institutions all seem to be corrupt because they are virtually all dedicated to fundamental transformation without quite confessing that to many of their donors. Ground Zero of achieving these changes is using education to invisibly impose noetic change on student’s brains.
My book Credentialed to Destroy described a K-12 goal called Transformational Outcomes Based Education, which I shorthanded as Tranzi OBE. One of the great tragedies anyone who is faithfully religious has discovered to their dismay after reading the book is how popular the function of Tranzi OBE has also been in religiously affiliated schools.
CRT, like Tranzi OBE, is also targeting student’s values, attitudes, and beliefs to both guide perception in the here and now, but also student’s future goals, their identity and sense of self, their aspirations of what should be in the future and what they should be doing to bring it about.
When beliefs are no longer grounded in facts about how the world has worked well or poorly in the past, it’s like there is no longer a safety catch on where aspirations can take us. Good intentions are no preventative against injury, as most of us have explained to children as they grew up. Yet intentions about the future are the essence of K-12 pedagogy now.
Thank you for mentioning your book. I will take a look.
Thank you for pointing out that “Since then, it has been a standard part of Catholic culture…” actually should have been “ was a standard…until the current Pope. Francis will go down in history as the Pope who achieved something all Popes before him could not: he has embarked on a course which may destroy the Church and his reign isn’t over.
Ballot fraud is only one type of election interference. The media love to say there is “no proof” of ballot fraud sufficient to overturn the election. They are misdirecting people because they themselves put their thumb on the scale. This election was decided by less than 100,000 votes in 4 key states.
The biased coverage of Establishment Media and Social Media amounted to an uncounted contribution to the DNC. There is little doubt the 24/7 Anti-Trump and Pro-Biden coverage in the media caused at least that many people to decide to vote against Trump.
Add that to all the election irregularities with mail-in ballots etc and its clear the election was rigged.
Democrats are curiously disinterested in examining the issues raised by the 2020 election. The party that screams about “Democracy” (as long as it is done there way) – changes the subject when 2020 election irregularities comes up. Or they just accuse the person who dares to bring it up of racism.
It is remarkable how many people have been brainwashed by a combination of Progressive messaging and enforcement of the messaging and the media.
>> It seems at least 25% of America is under the control of a cult.
“Ballot fraud is only one type of election interference. The media love to say there is “no proof” of ballot fraud sufficient to overturn the election.”
The integrity of an election can only be guaranteed by the design of the process. The Marxists know this which is why they are fighting every voter ID effort. There are many other factors to also consider, such as ANY microprocessor containing voting machine cannot be trusted. I say this because I spent over two decades developing microprocessors and there are many ways to hide undetectable functionality in one. I trust paper ballots submitted by a properly identified voter followed by controlled counting. I trust nothing else. It is impossible to address this after the fact. Integrity is in the process design. The evil Marxists know this.
The media report the news, and if the news was Trump was doing a rubbish job then that’s fair game.
It’s also the case that the right wing media has actively lied in defence of Trump.
The Democrats are interested in the election in so far that claiming fraud is an indefensible position with no evidence. It’s also the case that the right has whole sale decided in the most disturbing manner possible to minimise Jan 6th. In the first instance during the impeachment Republicans claimed it would be investigated after and shouldn’t impeach trump for clear crimes then the investigation is stymied by republicans becuase they don’t want to have the role in the whole sorry saga exposed.
You have never provided any reason to even think that fraud , no source no argument nothing. There have been so many refutations and debunkings of the nonsense surrounding to the election fraud lie. In fact if anything those who have claimed fraud are the criminal ones. Look at Arizona and Georgia can you honestly say that when Trump phones election supervisors during the lection and asks them to stop counting that isn’t a gross interference?
Mark – DNC and the media keep saying that the 2020 election was free and fair. If the DNC and Media are so convinced of that – why do they object so passionately to any independent review of the 2020 election ? ?
To quote Shakespeare, “Me thinks thou doth protesteth too much.”
Was it free and fair? I don’t know. It was certainly an unusual election in many ways. And tens of millions have legitimate questions about the election and they deserve answers. You might think that any President who is confident in the election would actually want to have an independent review to dispel questions of his legitimacy. Instead the DNC tries to stonewall, avoid and misdirect. When the government says “take our word for it” you know 75% of the country is going to be skeptical, at best.
Last point – Are you seriously going to downplay the animosity the media had against Trump? That simply undermines your own credibility. Even my most liberal friends admit the media had it out for Trump.
Its not just the DNC its everyone who has seriously looked at election fraud, multiple court cases.
In order to progress a case to even say there was an issue let alone one related to fraud you need something to base that on. That’s simply not been the case.
The issue is that Trump is still peddling nonsense, can you actually give a reason why you should believe the election fraud narrative at all? Id say that 10’s of millions as you put it haven’t been paying attention, the questions that came up in the immediate aftermath of the election have been answered so many times.
“government says “take our word for it”” No one is saying that, these issues have been thrashed in court, What evidence have you got that hasn’t been thoroughly debunked
“Are you seriously going to downplay the animosity the media had against Trump” Well if he wasn’t an authoritarian, narcissist who used the presidency in the most horrific manner possible maybe the media wouldn’t have so many stories about him.
Nothing was “thrashed in court”
Nearly every court passed on the cases filed for one reason or another. Typically some technicality. It was a “hot potato” because no judge wanted to be the one to say the election was not kosher.
Since you obviously follow politics closely – you must already know that. So, on this point, I find your comment disingenuous.
Ben Kent: Nearly every court passed on the cases filed for one reason or another. Typically some technicality. It was a “hot potato” because no judge wanted to be the one to say the election was not kosher.
That is not correct. Courts have ruled directly on the evidence:
MartyrMade: Most believe some or all of the theories involving midnight ballots, voting machines, etc, but what you find when you talk to them is that, while they’ll defend those positions w/info they got from Hannity or Breitbart or whatever, they’re not particularly attached to them.
Sure. That’s exactly how preconception works. Force fit the facts to the narrative.
MartyrMade: 1) The FBI/etc spied on the 2016 Trump campaign using evidence manufactured by the Clinton campaign.
Not manufactured, but the collection of raw intelligence. You would certainly expect the U.S. to investigate reports that Russian agents were attempting to infiltrate a U.S. political party — which they were.
MartyrMade: We now know that all involved knew it was fake from Day 1 (see: Brennan’s July 2016 memo, etc).
Um, no. That’s not what the memo revealed, but unconfirmed intelligence that Clinton was going to distract from the email kerfluffle with talk of Russian collusion.
MartyrMade: This was true with everyone, from CIA Dir Brennan & Adam Schiff – who were on TV saying they’d seen clear evidence of collusion w/Russia
The Trump campaign did collude with Russia. We know that the campaign manager provided internal campaign documents to a Russian agent knowing that Russian agents were involved in election interference. That’s collusion. We also know Trump obstructed the investigation, so there is probably other instances of collusion.
MartyrMade: We know as fact: a) The Steele dossier was the sole evidence used to justify spying on the Trump campaign
That’s false. The impetus for the investigation was a tip-off from Australia’s High Commissioner to the UK that a foreign policy advisor to Trump said that Russia had dirt in the form of emails stolen from Hillary Clinton.
MartyrMade: Many of them don’t know for certain whether ballots were faked in November 2020
Of course, there’s no evidence of any widespread election fraud; and multiple audits, recounts, and investigations have confirmed the results.
MartyrMade: Re: “fake impeachment”, we now know that Trump’s request for Ukraine to cooperate w/the DOJ regarding Biden’s $ activities in Ukraine was in support of an active investigation being pursued by the FBI and Ukraine AG at the time, and so a completely legitimate request.
No. What Trump requested was a public announcement, contrary to best practices in an investigation. Ukraine said there was no investigation of Hunter Biden at the time, because the corruption issues occurred *before* Hunter Biden’s involvement in Ukraine.
MartyrMade: But when the four critical swing states (and only those states) went dark at midnight, they knew.
Knew what? The latest conspiracy theory or the one before that. To reiterate, there is no evidence of any widespread election fraud.
MartyrMade: It’s a fact that governors used COVID to unconstitutionally alter election procedures (the Constitution states that only legislatures can do so) to help Biden to make up for a massive enthusiasm gap by gaming the mail-in ballot system.
That’s not correct. Most legislatures have delegated discretion to the executive; and when there was a dispute, the courts adjudicated based on the relevant law.
MartyrMade: And what judge will toss millions of ballots because a governor broke the rules?
There’s the problem right there. Disputes concerning the rules must occur *before* the election.
Jesse Kelly: The Right will pick a fascist soon. A real one. Nothing like Trump. I mean a real one. This will happen in my lifetime. People will not be abused like this without end.
Because that worked so well for Germany and Japan!
Nothing like someone from the outside trying to tell people what they believe, rather than accept what they believe as they are saying it.
John Stuart Mill: “He who knows only his own side of the case knows little of that. His reasons may be good, and no one may have been able to refute them. But if he is equally unable to refute the reasons on the opposite side, if he does not so much as know what they are, he has no ground for preferring either opinion… Nor is it enough that he should hear the opinions of adversaries from his own teachers, presented as they state them, and accompanied by what they offer as refutations. He must be able to hear them from persons who actually believe them…he must know them in their most plausible and persuasive form.”
If ever it applied, your post fits the bill. Reflex rejectionism is an example of ignorance.
oldschooltwentysix: Reflex rejectionism is an example of ignorance.
Our position is based on explicit appeal to supportable facts (e.g. the campaign manager provided internal campaign documents to a Russian agent, multiple audits, executive discretion, how fascism worked out before). On the other hand, you forgot to include anything relevant in your reply.
Actually, the Mill quote was particularly relevant. You take it on yourself to tell others what they believe. You’re the last one qualified on the subject because you can NEVER present your position in a fair way. So spare the nonsense, which is actually irrelevant other than to show intolerance.
oldschooltwentysix: You take it on yourself to tell others what they believe.
You can believe what you want, but the facts remain, e.g. We know that Trump’s campaign manager provided internal campaign documents to a Russian agent and that Russian agents were involved in election interference; Most legislatures have delegated discretion to the executive branch.
oldschooltwentysix: He must be able to hear them from persons who actually believe them
As for Mills; we directly quoted and responded to the original post, “hear{ing} from persons who actually believe them,” and we would be happy to respond to your comments on the subject as well, but you have again failed to engage the topic. Let us know if you decide to make a substantive reply.
Blind, deaf, out of touch and disrespectful. Why engage in discourse with someone that tells you what you think? You don’t have a clue. You’re not interested in discourse. You have too much hubris for that. Arguing with you is playing your game. You will have to go it alone. But you’re not fooling, or persuading anyone, because you have such a closed mind.
The Durham investigation was started to try to definitively determine what happened in the Russia-Trump investigation. Either it was
(1)an illegitimate action intended to undermine a sitting president for partisan political reasons; or,
(2) a legitimate investigation into a matter of national security.
Both D’s and R’s will fight for their own narrative until an independent report comes out. Everyone, regardless of party-affiliation, should be outraged if it actually turns out to be a partisan dirty trick.
Already what has been revealed so far is disturbing. FISA warrant process was clearly misused and partisanship was a factor in FBI at the highest levels. Were those just unfortunate coincidences ? Or were those part of something more sinister.
Durham’s report should be out by September.
There is a third option that the investigation had good points and bad points. You seem to create a scenario where the investigation can either be wholly good or if its not then therefore completely bad. Life doesn’t work like that.
In this case its easy to point to a number of outcomes that point to the legitimacy of the investigation. The number of people who were sent to prison as a result (oh please don’t give me crap about Flynn the man was guilty as hell). Additionally its well known that obstruction was found it was only the DoJ policy on not indicting a sitting president that prevented an indictment.
@ mark 311
Flynn’s persecution had NOTHING to do with Trump.
> No one ever even contended that Trump knew anything relevant to the Flynn matter. Trump knew nothing about Flynn’s call to the Russian ambassador.
Manafort’s prosecution had NOTHING to do with Trump.
> There was never any connection made to Trump. Manafort acted alone. Trump even removed him from the campaign manager slot in summer 2016 – well before the election in November of that year.
The Russia-Trump investigation was a bust. Only die-hard leftist ideologues (like Adam Schiff) still try to make a case that it was anything but a bust. Maybe the Durham investigation will also be a bust. So far its been like a slow train to nowhere.
You point out Trump has some personality issues. Yeah. Agreed. So does Pelosi, Schumer, Harris and Biden. Show me a major politician who has no ego and I’ll sell you a bridge to Brooklyn. Both parties need to find a way to nominate more sane/normal people to run for high office. At least with Trump you got policies that make sense in that they were at least consistent and he was not afraid to hold a press conference and talk about his policies. Look at Harris/Biden – they tell you to your face that the border is no problem – as the worst crisis in 25 years is plain for all to see. You can’t seriously admire the Harris Biden style of governance or say that it is any better that Trump’s style. Every week it gets more embarrassing to be a Democrat. Oh, by the way, I bet you’re thrilled that Hunter is cashing in again – with a new grift using Art Dealers to launder his $$. I’m sure that all Democrats are so proud of Daddy’s little swindler.
Ben Kent: The Russia-Trump investigation was a bust.
The Trump-Russia investigation, which Trump attempted to obstruct, yielded dozens of prosecutions and public knowledge that Trump’s campaign manager was providing internal campaign documents to a Russian agent knowing that Russia was interfering in the U.S. presidential campaign to help Trump and damage Clinton.
Oh, but his isn’t an appeal to his expertise on the issue. It was “Our position…”, he speaks for all the Socialist/Communists and how dare you, I or anyone else challenge that.
Zachriel stated: “The Trump-Russia investigation, which Trump attempted to obstruct, yielded dozens of prosecutions …”
OK, I’ll feed the troll. Cite a dozen Federal prosecutions, only one dozen and you can cherry pick from the multiple dozens you claim, which resulted from the “Trump-Russia investigation”.
That is actual prosecutions, not indictments. Court cases which achieved a final District Court decision, whether from a Jury or a Bench trial. I’ll accept a finalized plea deal as that must be accepted by the Court. LTG Flynn does not count, it was not finalized and his persecution did not result from the “Trump-Russia Collusion” investigation.
I will say I’ll wait, but I strongly suspect Durham’s report will see the light of day before an accurate response from you.
Edward: Cite a dozen Federal prosecutions
Also, the Mueller investigation showed how Trump had obstructed the investigation.
You keep referring to yourself as “we”, and “our”. Then you put out a bunch of redundant talking points for which there are no supporting facts and in fact have been debunked many times over.
You present yourself as a typical leftist. Trying to puff up your chest with plural terms when actually you are just ONE person. And then you try to baffle people with a wall of words that are total bullshit with the intent of pulling people in on each and every point. It’s an old, tired, scattered, and ineffective strategy that rarely works. You sound like a 9/11 “Truther”.
You’re simply one person who is either knowingly putting out bad information, or maybe you’re a true believer who cannot be persuaded by facts, no matter how solid they may be.
Either way, you are wrong.
SField: Either way, you are wrong.
Not an argument. Let us know if you decide to make a substantive argument. (Please refer to our original comment above.)
Can you provide a link to the supposed debunking. It’s seems to me that you neither have an argument or a source and are merely asserting that the issues raised by Zachriel have been debunked. I’m skeptical that after 80 ish court cases, multiple recounts, audits including forensic audits that the case for fraud is so pathetic that those who are claiming fraud are now subject to investigation. Guilliani for being a total liar, and trump for interfering with the election Hy directly contacting election supervisors during the course of the election to stop counting ballots. It’s ironic that the only credible evidence of fraud is from Trump.
I don’t think the word “know” means what this troll thinks it means.
It’s funny that he claims that we know manafort colluded with Russia. With all of the investigation and prosecution of manafort, isn’t it very strange that he was not charged for the crime which you allege that we all know above about colluding with Russia? It’s really weird to me that you think that wasn’t prosecuted for a crime as you seem to suggest that we all know commited. I wonder why I wonder why???
“We know Trump obstructed investigation.” Again I don’t think you understand the meaning of “know”. He certainly was never charged with that crime. Now there’s a new Administration they could absolutely charge him if they thought they had something to charge him with. Every single stupid talking point you said has been gone on over and over we’re not going to respond to your stupid lies again. We’ve done that, been down that road, like the Twitter thread sad we were all worried that maybe he had colluded so we paid very close attention to every detail. You’re lost in your talking points and you’re getting paid or you’re really stupid or or something. But nobody here is going to take your comments seriously and try to deconstruct them. We’ve been through it over and over again, and we don’t care anymore we’ve dug to the bottom we’ve seen what’s true, we’re not arguing with you anymore, everything you have said has been vetted to the nth degree and every statement you make above is false. You go research the Internet it’s not our job to teach you how to figure out what’s real and not. Plus you don’t even seem like you can be taught. You seemed so dumb that you just can’t comprehend simple things.
We no longer care whether people like you are incredibly stupid or incredibly evil. Either way your actions are malignant and a complete and utter affront to decency and the preservation of Liberty, so there’s really nothing more we can do than eliminate your tiresome dialog so we can focus on how we can preserve decency in Liberty from assault by people like you.
All of the above was dictated not typed and I’m not going to fix any typos that may have come through so save your pedantic grammatical comments too.
The dogs bark but the caravan passes on….
Arab proverb.
lies, no matter how often they are repeated, remain lies. go peddle your bullshit somewhere else.
redc1c4: … no matter how often they are repeated …
Sure. This is where you point out a factual error in our previous comment. {This seems to be a common problem on right-wing blogs.}
Can’t you understand that this is your pattern of conduct. It’s not like you’re the first of this type, or the last. You received fair hearing and been determined a game player, not actually interested in honest discourse, as you pretend to be. The clearest giveaway is that you insist otherwise in a most humble fashion, so common among out of touch progressives.
So true! This is the same ploy @mark311 uses when he heaps praise on certain LI commenters in a clearly disingenuous effort to win goodwill. Meanwhile, these trolls condescend to, dismiss, and overtly spit in the faces of those they will soon brown-nose for a few new brownie points.
It’s definitely a rhetorical strategy, a cynical ploy to win over at least some of our core reader-base, only to exploit that when they turn nasty. They’ve done two things: fluffed a few LI commenters with false (and almost always faint) praise, and then ensured that those commenters will eventually defend them.
And yes, sadly, some LI readers are still falling for this con, defending these ridiculous puppet-masters pulling their strings even as their face gets wet. They believe these progressive loons when they say it’s just raining.
At least for now. If these leftist loons keep talking (and they will), everyone here at LI might wake up to their game.
Pattern of conduct .. using facts and arguments in a good faith manner.
Right wing retort – you are lying, playing games
Are you actually able to deal with the substance without resorting to ad hominem?
Z: This is where you point out a factual error in our previous comment.
oldschooltwentysix: Can’t you understand that this is your pattern of conduct.
In other words, you got nothing. Let us know when you are ready to make a substantive response.
Where are the pee pee tapes, Zachriel? lol You’re a joke. Don’t worry. You’re almost in the club! Hang in there. Professor J won’t cancel you.
Secretive FISA court rebukes FBI over errors in Russia probe.
What relevance does that have to the factual case the Manafort handed documents to a known Russian operative.
mark311 This?
Yeah, that really backs up your point with its nebulous conclusions.
Trump’s campaign chair gave a Russian agent internal campaign documents. The agent gave those documents to other agents in Russia who were illegally interfering in the U.S. presidential election to help Trump and damage Clinton.
That links supports what’s been stated. That Manafort colluded with Russia. Since Manafort was on the campaign team and indeed Russia is known to have interfered directly in the election specifically to assist Trump the link is quite damning. I don’t really see how it supports your argument
Yeah, pattern of conduct. Quit playing dumb.
Zach has responded on that point. You don’t seem to be able to provide any reason, argument, source or substantive point at all. So as I’ve pointed out the pattern of conduct of Zach and I is to provide arguments and for you to just say basically nothing or of worth. Do you have anything to add of value to conversation or not?
You sound like a broken record playing the song “One Horse Pony” spinning on Biden’s record player. There is no reason to engage someone that pretends to have intellectual curiosity and falsely asks for facts as if willing to hear.
Ive asks for facts to show you have anything at all, its called steel manning an opponent. That’s is to say getting a reasonable representation of what you actually want to argue. Its the opposite of a strawman. In other words its an intellectually honest way of engaging with someone who has a different set of views. In this particular thread you’ve literally provided nothing of substance. In fact all you’ve done is attack Zach’s ‘pattern of conduct’ which doesn’t make any sense at all Its pretty apparent that your defence reduces to you believe it and therefore it is what it is despite the facts pointing to the contrary. In other words you have a belief system not an argument.
In 1974, almost 30 years after WWII ended, Japanes soldier Hiroo Onoda’s commanding officer, Major Yoshimi Taniguchi, was sent to Lubang Island in the Philippines, and formally relieved Onoda of his duty so he’d stop fighting WWII, come out of the jungle, and rejoin society
Could someone please get in contact with Major Russia-Russia-Russia Rachel Maddow so she’ll do the same for this holdout clown?
Rachel Maddow is a “tofu-dreg” media personality
I have been lurhing here for years. Zachriel is so outragious that it must be a paid propagandist.
My working theory is that this Zachriel is some kind of high school or maybe college freshman class project. The many Zachs have a few voices, argument strategies, but they are basically all the same. So maybe some kind of AI project for high schoolers or college frosh? After all, the responses are clearly stock responses sent out to the multitudes of lefties / leftie AI who just trot out the same tired tripe time after time.
Have to be honest, this particular incarnation of the many Zachs is showing more personality than any before him. Who knows? Or, frankly, who cares? I rarely read his nonsense unless something they all say sets off my Spidey-sense.
It’s funny that you never address the substance of what Zachriel actually says. Seems like evidence and reason aren’t your strong points.
The left is a hive mind.
Or maybe its painfully obvious to anyone with a brain that you haven’t got a justification with regard to the issues raised in this thread.
Truth! Painful and prescient truth.
CRT/Equity is to actual history as fan fiction is to actual literature. At best they are a hijacking of the works of others to repurpose their value to serve your own purposes. At worst an intentional corruption designed to appropriate and destroy what you cannot create.
The proponents don’t truly believe it. If the freshman class at every Ivy did they would reject their economic and associational privilege, which they wrongly confuse with ‘white’ privilege.
These woke students are not dropping out of their Ivy League institution in favor of existing in the armed forces or to attend a community college. Both of which would actually expose them to everyday citizens and their working class beliefs and experiences.
Instead of any action which would cause them to personally rub elbows with the majority of people who don’t posses their own levels of economic and associational privilege they prefer indoctrination.
Whether from a woke faculty member, who has also refused the opportunity to step aside from his tenured position, or from what passes for mass culture they choose a more indirect and voyeuristic path.
Their knowledge of poor or working class and rural ‘whites’ is gleaned from Honey Boo Boo, Swamp People or Dirty Jobs. Clearly ‘those people’ are too ignorant and backward to govern themselves. Entire seasons of these series pass without viewing a single *bucks for goodness sakes.
Instead the woke students and faculty choose to embrace their privilege. Entering and dominating our institutions. Perverting them for their own purposes. Weaponizing the organs of the state and it’s oligarchy allies against those who chose not to submit to the dictates of their betters.
If they cannot be stopped then sooner or later the forced tribalism they seek to create will arrive. When it does they will discover that this time isn’t different. That in achieving their goal of discontent, rivalry and discord along tribal lines they will be unable to influence, much less control, what must come next. Conflict along tribal lines.
They seek to destabilize and destroy the inclusive, multicultural and multiethnic society built upon colorblind tolerance and respect for individual rights and individual merit. They must be stopped.
I’m confused since the narrative of the people you are attacking includes policies to assist those in poverty how exactly is that disingenuous and what exactly do those on the right do to achieve the same ostensible goal?
Look at this dishonest reply. Marx311 didn’t actually address CommoChief’s points. He instead made an argument (backed with nothing) that the narrative of the CRT pushers “includes policies to assist those in poverty,” and then attacked the right.
Marky… that’s a lie. And it’s not even a relevant one. Try again.
With respect Evil Otto the entire basis of Commochiefs comment reduces down to something very simple : a mischarachterisation of what CRT is and then claiming that they are actively against the group that they purport to support. That literally makes no sense.
Of course it’s relevant if your understanding of CRT is so bad that the arguments against it aren’t even reflective of what it is then they aren’t arguments are they.
Spell out the lie, bet you can’t becuase there isn’t one.
Those of us opposed to CRT are past the point of discussion. We won’t be dissuaded. We will fight this racist theory in our local school districts and States.
That’s an issue if you don’t know what CRT actually is.
I get the feeling the right wing media narrative has been a blanket failure to engage on good faith on this point. The more I read about the right and CRT the clearer it is that it’s being misrepresented.
A theory that uses race as the prism through which one views the world is racist. The categorization of individuals into tribal groups based not on their merits or actions but instead on the color of their skin is racist.
The reduction of every individual to sorting as either oppressed or oppressor based upon race is racism. To substitute middle-class mores and behaviors of success as a cultural proxy for race in the tribal sorting is racist.
We oppose racism. Why do you support it?
@ mark311 = I asked that you condemn neo-racism and you declined by changing the subject. CRT is one part of neo-racism. Don’t pretend tat you do not know what neo-racism is. You have been on this blog site long enough to know it is a about a new justification for a new form of racism.
All of the neo-racism is completely opposite to the teachings of Martin Luther King Jr. MLK outright rejected the concept of using racism to fight racism. He saw it as a dead-end. Malcom-X wanted to discriminate against Whites. Neo-racism is just rehashed Malcom-X.
…>> MLK said “”Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can
…>> do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”
People who fall for the bullshit pushed by race-baiters are being payed for fools.
@ mark311 – in an earlier thread you declined to condemn this new-racism and that would lead any rational person to believe you support neo-racism. I believe everyone on this site is opposed to racism – including neo-racism. Perhaps you should spend your time on a site that caters to neo-racists like you rather than LI.
No, its not its an analytical means to describe the nature of disparities between groups. The entire purpose of it is to reduce racism by understanding the role that structures play in disparities. That’s inherently not racist. So I reject your characterisation of CRT in other words I don’t find your argument persuasive.
I asked you in a previous thread to define neo-racism, I haven’t received a definition so how can I respond? You don’t get to claim that I know something and then when I ask you to define it assert that again. Even if I knew what you might mean id need to know what YOU actually mean.
We have individual rights not group rights. Any individual who has a claim of individual race based discrimination has broad access to our legal and regulatory systems for redress. Systems which explicitly prohibit race based discrimination.
The surrogates of CRT/Equity, such as yourself, seem very keen to tell us what it isn’t. However, the university, the public and private K – 12 schools, corporations and government agencies who implement CRT/Equity seem terrified to tell us how they are implementing it.
If this was benign, as you claim, then why are FOIA requests necessary? Why are we reliant upon whistleblowers and leaked training material? Why are lawsuits demanding release of public data from public institutions necessary?
In any event CRT/Equity is simply one aspect of the intentional process our elites and their surrogates use to divide us.
The elites went too far. The curtain was pulled back and the scheme exposed. Resistance to CRT/Equity is simply the unifying moment for the much broader ideological pushback to come.
That backlash will push the pendulum not to an equilibrium point but a reversal of the globalist and tribalism that has been foisted upon us since the early 1990’s.
People are past the point of debating these issues. They will act to oppose and reverse them.
CommoChief: We have individual rights not group rights.
That sounds good until you see group discrimination built into the law and into the culture. James Joyner blogged on an interesting instance of systemic racism.
Black farmers in the Deep South were often pushed off their land, but some held on through the Jim Crow period. However, they were largely locked out of court houses, so inherited property deeds were not always recorded. They own the land, but don’t have the paperwork to prove it. When disaster hits, and farmers are provided relief through FEMA, they can’t provide the necessary deeds to prove ownership.
The interesting part is that FEMA isn’t acting in an overtly discriminatory manner. Quite the contrary. They realize the problem, but have yet to find a solution. Yet, the result is that, due to historical racism, Black farmers are locked out of disaster relief to which they would otherwise be entitled. Systemic racism.
(By the way, this has been a problem for generations of indigenous peoples worldwide. They may have lived somewhere for centuries, but for some strange reason, they don’t have the paperwork.)
Gosh how amazing that the elites would replicate in their colonies what they practiced in their home Nations.
Of course these policies of dispossession were applied to poor ‘whites’ as well. Upon leaving the Atlantic seaboard and venturing west to the frontier these folks didn’t have title to the land. They were regarded as squatters.
The poor and powerless have historically been oppressed by the elites. See the enclosure process in GBR. Widespread illiteracy was a huge impediment to gaining and registering title to land.
Thankfully, we have publicly funded education which allows everyone the ability to gain from it exactly how much effort they put into it.
Property records destroyed by fire, often in deliberately set in Courthouses by Union troops, didn’t help. There are plenty of public interest law firms and a vast network of organizations to assist individuals in enforcement of property rights.
Just as the ‘civilized tribes’ were dispossessed the vast majority of first wave poor squatters were also dispossessed by later waves with money and political power.
My own family experienced this in S Carolina then Tennessee before the Civil war then in Alabama after reconstruction.
Race isn’t the issue. The issue was elites with political power using their associational and economic privilege to oppress those who lacked it.
Thankfully, the Nation has moved beyond these extreme examples of dispossession, except of course for the practice of misusing eminent domain to advantage private actors.
When you reduce your vision to view everything through the prism of race you are adopting and promoting a racist viewpoint. Those of us committed to maintaining our Nation’s inclusive, multicultural and multiethnic society will not allow racists of any stripe to reverse the progress and upset the harmony we have achieved.
CommoChief: Of course these policies of dispossession were applied to poor ‘whites’ as well.
Huh? The example we provided specifically concerned a legacy of Jim Crow. They are poor AND Black.
So? That just proves you know how to cherry pick examples of simple greed so that they seem to be racism.
First there was Malcolm-X. Now there id Ibram-X (Kendi).
Both were racists.
Ibram-X is just rehashed Malcolm-X.
>>>> They will lie and obfuscate. Twist words. Scream racist.
Remember, Malcolm-X’s moto …… “BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY”
The counterculture, the awake culture, already started taking hold, but needs these progressive excesses to crystalize in the public.
Wokeism is built on a house of cards, not in the minds of most ordinary people. Like in days of the Cold War, it is based on coercion and fear. The woke wall, like the Berlin Wall, will crumble, but there is still a ways to go, and excesses to encounter.
It would be great to have a day of national protest against the division and disunity of wokeism, to celebrate the vision of MLK that the boomers intended, not the hustle of hate peddled by Kendi. Imagine if the true numbers took to the street in peaceful protest. It would be an overwhelming statement of Americans that we are not who they portray.
That piece was excellent. Should be required reading, especially for those so misinformed that they engage in BlueAnon types of ignorance, very uninformed and manipulated in their beliefs. Truth over facts. If they were as smart as they pretend when they put down others, one would think they could accurately describe what the bumpkins believe. They can’t, no better than Kendi can define racism.
I suspect you may be right. I recalled in a different thread that a lot of the old guard conserviatives grew up expecting the Soviets to win, and thought the best that could be done was merely to postpone the far of the long night.
But, in the end, the Soviets were only master propagandists, not builders or statesmen, and they fell.
The day of reckoning approaches. In some way, the hoaxes of covid, that affected all people, was impetus in waking people up to how information is deceptive and how the hustles has become pervasive from all sides, but especially those that wear and approve of Kente cloth..
CRT: A starving 4 year old white boy in a West Virginia shack is oppressing Oprah Winfrey.
While much of this started before Biden was “elected”, if the repubs had won one or both Senate seats in Georgia there is no way he can get his most radical picks past the Senate confirmation process. Those election losses will haunt this country for decades.
“Those election thefts will haunt this country for decades.”
As a conservative American who wants to be left alone and who treats everyone as an individual, I now feel like that GIF you see occasionally on Twitter … of the dog sitting in a cafe with a cup of coffee, surrounded by fire as the cafe is burning to the ground, the dog saying, “This is fine.”
It’s not because we, the dog, are ignoring reality, it’s because the fire just exploded in no time at all, before we could get those three words out.
Political correctness, then wokeism, then CRT were all glowing kindling at which we scoffed and laughed.
Then, in a real-time history lesson (haven’t we all wondered how intense minorities of nations’ peoples could have sent their nations into hysterias, conflagrations, and revolutions?) we are, in the blink of an eye, living in
the “interesting times” of the Chinese curse.
We’ve always thought it couldn’t happen here. And now … it’s happening here.
The American Collapse Clock has been moved forward to a couple of minutes before midnight.
The thing that really gets me is the sheer volume of the daily reports of institutions, businesses, government offices, and schools of all types who are announcing their acceptance of this garbage.
It’s a deluge every day of proportions that are staggering. I’ve known for some time that this is a serious problem, yet I still had no idea until this year just how deep it has gone.
Cancer would be envious of CRT’s ability to metastasize.
Yet now we know precisely this exists. Removing a cyst will be much easier at this stage. If the institutions refuse treatment then they only have themselves to blame when it becomes necessary to amputate one or more limbs.
If the institutions continue to refuse treatment even when riddled with gangrene then they, like every person in that scenario, have chosen their own demise.
If people had not been so complacent – had taken medicine to fight the infection – we would not have to be talking about amputating limbs.
We are ALL to blame for having this metastasize.
Ibram Kendi has changed his tune once again. He now denies that there is any debate at all about CRT.
He’s giving Fauci a real run for the flip-flopper of the year award. What a disingenuous fraud.
He’s an ungrateful child who has called his own parents “racist”.
He’s actually kind of dumb.
So much worse than dumb. His parents lived good lives, they were productive, responsible citizens. Thye deserved to be honored. It is a shame, some times good people end up producing bad seeds, Kendi is cleary a bad seed.
Pseudo-intellectuals normally are.
How precisely has Kendi changed his tune. The article sets out what is pretty clear that the right have grossly mischarachterised what CRT is then attacked that straw man.
Perhaps you should take a listen to this guy and understand his world:
To be honest that video proves the point. No one is saying whites are holding black people down. The theory is that structures in society, law etc advantage whites and conversely disadvantage blacks.
Um, no, that’s not what the article does at all. All it does is demonstrate the difference between academics, who speak in subtle and precise language, and politicians who deal in caricature and simplification.
So he points out that he doesn’t say racial gaps are inherently racist. Of course not. Gaps are inanimate — they’re not even physical entities; they’re merely statistical abstractions, and therefore can’t be racist, because they don’t have feelings. But they can be the result of racism, and that is what he claims they must be by their very nature, because he defines anything that causes such gaps as racism.
Likewise, he says he doesn’t talk about “good” and “evil”, but about “equitable” and “inequitable”. This is true, but what’s the difference? He denies the existence of “good” and “evil” as categories, so “equitable” and “inequitable” merely take their place and fulfill the same functions.
He says that not all explanations for gaps are racist; only those that point at an underlying superiority or inferiority are. But it’s a plain fact that some people are superior or inferior to others in certain respects, and this does in fact explain most gaps. So he doesn’t dismiss all possible explanations for gaps, but only the real ones. That’s a distinction that makes no difference.
He quibbles at Ross Douthat’s complaint that nothing will satisfy him but perfect “equity”, no gaps at all. No, he says, he’s never demanded absolutely perfect “equity”; small and insignificant gaps can be ignored as random fluctuations that will sometimes come out one way and sometimes the other. Let it be so; let’s stipulate that Douthat should have used some other words than “perfect”; it doesn’t change his argument at all. And the fact is that there are degrees in perfection. People who criticize the constitution for speaking of “a more perfect union” are speaking out of their nether regions. If Kendi is demanding gaps of less than 1 or 2%, then he’s demanding approximate “perfection”, and it’s fair to characterize his position that way for Douthat’s purposes.
He says he can’t be the “father” of critical race theory, since it was invented a year before he was born. This is true, but he shares a large part of the responsibility for its breaking out of academia and into the real world. So call him an adoptive “father”, or merely a coach or agent; it makes no real difference.
The one way in which I think CRT’s critics have in fact got it wrong, is that as I understand CRT it does not claim that the mere possession of white skin, or descent from white ancestors, makes someone a racist, or guilty for the sins of racism. Rather it puts the blame on “whiteness”, which is neither a skin condition nor a genetic condition, but an attitude. Thus black people can suffer from “whiteness” too, as evidenced by all the black people on the political right; their skin may be black, says CRT, but their souls are white. He criticizes his own parents for their “whiteness”, and he’s not talking about their skin or their ancestry, but about the beliefs they held and tried unsuccessfully to instill in him.
Para 1)
Chris Rufo is also mischarahcterising the position. In fact it’s his position that’s been adopted by many on the right. I’m not entirely clear that he is an academic per se. He hasn’t exactly got an academic background,
Para 2) agreed, on of my issues with CRT is that it’s overly reductionist
Para 3) ‘good’ and ‘equitable’ are most definitely not the same thing. Like wise for the reverse. Equitable doesn’t necessarily derive from a good or bad action it could be totally amoral or indeed a combination of both.
Para 4) “But it’s a plain fact that some people are superior or inferior to others in certain respects, and this does in fact explain most gaps”
Does it though? There are a number of comparator groups that’s strongly suggest that the gap is racial in terms of outcomes. For example the earnings of educated blacks is significantly less than educated whites, that blacks are more likely to be stopped on the pre text of having weed when statistically whites are more likely to have weed. With respect to inferiority and superiority making blanked statements will tend towards the conclusion of racism. It’s much more likely related to culture , and prior advantages that would explain major difference between race. The only text that has really attempted to make the connection in recent memory is the bell curve and that’s been debunked.
Para 5) kendi doesn’t state what the gap might be in terms of approximate perfection. So who are you to say what that might look like? Or indeed how CRT looks at smaller gaps. The analysis of structural advantages and disadvantages by it’s very nature relies on data to determine whether that’s true or not so if the gap is sufficiently small then how can it be determined that the gap is caused by racial implications?
Para 6) I can see your point here, it makes no difference to me nor do I overly care about this claim. You might well be right.
Para 7) this is an interesting point, I’m not clear in my own mind whether or not you are correct or not. It may well be the case.
My question to you is simple do you think there are structural disadvantages to blacks in the US?
Defending racist Kendi. Surprise, surprise. How does it feel to stand shoulder to shoulder with actual racists pretending that it’s others are the problem.
@ oldschool26 – you’re right. mark311 declines to condemn neo-racism. He has chosen to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with neo-racists (modern-day racists).
On what basis do you call him racist? If you are calling him a racist on the basis that he advocated CRT then that’s not a viable position to have. The idea that a theory which seeks to understand why they are structurally disadvantaged groups and then reduce those gaps is inherently not racist.
Well that’s a lie isn’t it, I asked you to define neo-racism, I cant comment on a term that I don’t know what you mean by.
@ mark 311 – Neo-racism is a catch-all phrase applied to all the programs that seek to use racism to justify more racism,.
You could not have been active on this site for the last 4 months (which you have been) and NOT know all of this – but you pretend to not know what neo-racism means.
There, I defined it for you – even though we both know that you know
So, one last time – are you, or are you not – a neo-racist ?
>>> Just give a straight “I am” or “I am not” – no more sidestepping.
Ben Kent: So, one last time – are you, or are you not – a neo-racist ?
Was Dr. King a “neo-racist”?
Once more, the point of the American dream “race” is to make the finish line yourself, not beat any of the other racers. So it doesn’t matter how early or late you start, what matters is your tenacity, guts and discipline. It’s not a zero-sum finish line.
Constant railing away at the MSM and its faces for what they report and as importantly, don’t report, is okay, it connects to who and what the public sees and knows. That said, it’s time (past time) to understand their masters, the almost completely anonymous directors on the boards at their corporate masters and enablers: Comcast, AT&T (in the midst of spinning off its CNN operation and faces), Disney, Viacom-CBS, and NPR – the one we own. This is where the serious corruption lies.
The boards at these corporations do not represent their company’s efforts to create and sell goods and services, make a living, in today’s world, these boards are composed almost completely of “independent” directors none of who are employees of the companies they ‘direct.’ The interlocking boards of old, directors arranging favorable, insider business dealings among their corporate employers are gone, Today’s independent boards trade in ideology and are a big source of the problem, the most corrosive practices, and collusion with governments in today’s media.
The cost to these corporations of keeping the MSM, their public faces and operations around, is chump change. The out-of-pocket cost is negligible, relatively speaking, and the faces we all know are outright dupes, willing and/or unknowing puppets. Reid, Cuomo, Tapper, Acosta, Tur, Stelter, Williams and on, and on, and on – there isn’t a thimble-full of intellect or honesty in the lot of them. They literally are collection of vain, cheap stooges.
Want to fix this? look to the silent, anonymous, “independent” corporate boards of directors for a prime source of collusion between the government and media, big tech, finance, education, corporations, and globalists. Learn who they are; name them; know them, flush them out.
It’s not just here in the US. All across the western world, the fundamental institutions of society are under attack. Does anyone think it is just accidental that it happened at the same time?
This is a coordinated attack on western society.
Where are the so-called “intelligence” agencies ?
Behind it, silly.
Too late.
The tribes are awake.
This society cannot exist with multi-culturalism.
The cleansing has begun by the “left” and will not end till one side or the other is banished from the remains of the Republic.
The “government must be made to fear the people. That has already begun as evidenced by Piglosi’s Capitol Police expansion across America.
Ammo up boys and girls….the purge is near.