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Politico is reporting on the gender gap that has emerged in the GOP. Nobody can doubt that ladies like Michele Bachmann have contributed to GOP success in 2010, but are any of them really suited to be Speaker of the House? Nancy Pelosi was certainly...

The award for the “Least Likely to be True Headline” goes to William Saletan at, Pelosi’s Triumph:  Democrats didn’t lose the battle of 2010. They won it. But least likely does not mean wrong. How could Democrats have won the battle of 2010.  Didn’t we...

Who knew that the gavel carried by Nancy Pelosi on her way to the Obamacare vote actually was a boomerang? And when it came back to hit them last Tuesday, it wiped those smiles right off their faces. ——————————————–Related Posts:Yeah, They Lied (x 10) Pelosi Surrounds...

There is a key difference between Republican and Democratic attacks ads this year.  As I previously noted, Republican attacks focus mainly on policy, such as Obamacare, stimulus, and national deficits and debt.  That’s not to say that there are not individual ads which may get personal,...

Barack Obama, Scott Brown and Michael Steele all will be in Rhode Island today, campaigning for competing candidates in the RI-01 District (my home district, by the way). Obama is flying in for an elaborately catered $7500 per plate fundraiser (menu here) for Providence Mayor David...

Well, at least we now know for sure where Nevada’s top political reporter, who wanted also to be a debate moderator, stands on the Harry Reid-Sharron Angle race.  Not that you would have had any doubt if you had been reading this blog. Jon Ralston says...

I haven’t pestered you with that many requests to support a congressional candidate.  So indulge me one more time, and help me support Richard Hanna, who is running in NY-24 in central upstate New York against incumbent Democrat Michael Arcuri.  The seat had been Republican for...

The victory last night of Christine O’Donnell over Mike Castle in the Delaware Republican Senate primary signals a sea change.  Not so much because O’Donnell won over the heavily favored establishment GOP candidate; that pattern is not new this election season. Instead, the reaction of...

Christine O’Donnell just won the Delaware Primary. Put the rancor of the past couple of weeks behind us, and unite behind her and other Republicans. And get to work (tomorrow, you can celebrate tonight if you want). Remember everything that has motivated us the past...

Because not having an ideological purity test means we must have no test at all, no standards, no principles. All that matters is the long shot possibility that if the planets are in alignment and the cards all fall into place in every Senate race...

The “nuts and sluts” defense is a common employment law tactic whenever a female employee brings a claim.  It doesn’t matter what the claim is, the defense — after the usual legal mumbo jumbo — will be something like this: “She’s nuts.  And by the...

Harry Reid’s entire campaign is centered around painting Sharron Angle and the Tea Pary movement as extremist. But in the opinion of the American public, the extremist is not the Tea Party movement: The American public has a more positive view of the Tea Party...

Mary Katherine Ham and Guy Benson have a guest post at HotAir setting forth 10 key false promises by Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats about Obamacare, ObamaCare: The sum of all fears. The post is long, but worth the read. Here are the...

Now that the left-wing blogosphere and Democratic media operatives Media Matters and Think Progress have found the Religion of Context when it comes to Shirley Sherrod … how about finally apologizing for the months long smear in 2009 that Census worker Bill Sparkman was killed...

Harry Reid has a failed record on Iraq for which he never has been held accountable. Reid voted for the war, then falsely claimed he was misled, then tried to defund the war, then declared the war lost, and then stubbornly refused to acknowledge the...

Photo of our fearless leaders on the way to Robert Byrd’s memorial service. Any thoughts on what Joe Biden was saying to the military officer? ——————————————– Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube

Sheldon Whitehouse has taken to the floor of the Senate again to accuse everyone who opposes driving the country further into debt of being against people who are suffering financially. But that accusation, much like Whitehouse’s accusations against opponents of ObamaCare, is based on a...