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Other than the possible fisticuffs and chokeholds at the Wisconsin Supreme Court, Wisconsin politics has faded from the national headlines. But Wisconsin isn’t over folks.  Democrats challenging Republicans in recall elections are doing better at fundraising, and Nancy Pelosi is headlining a fundraiser as well....

I told myself I wasn’t going to do this, because it’s Ed Rollins’ job, but the blatent bias of Politico’s article, Michele Bachmann’s thin legislative resume, requires pointing out Politico’s thinly thought-out attack. Here is the money line on page one of the Politico article: Now...

(by Michael Alan) By now you’ve probably heard veteran campaign strategist Ed Rollins’ comments about Sarah Palin: Sarah has not been serious over the last couple of years. She got the vice presidential thing handed to her. She didn’t go to work in the sense...

(By Michael Alan) When retired NFL quarterback legend Brett Favre was first suspected in 2010 of having a habit of “sexting” the female hosts provided to him at venues his team visited, specifically the Jets’ Jenn Sterger in 2008, he was immediately put under investigation...

Kathleen Victor Davis Hanson, writing in City Journal, details the necessity of studying conflict, despite a near-ubiquitous hesitation to do so in our modern era. (More details of this can be found in ‘The Peace Racket.‘) “Indeed, by ignoring history, the modern age is free...

This is an explanation from Walter Russell Mead of why Benjamin Netanyahu received such a warm reception.  I think it’s a little heavy on the religion side, but I think it’s essentially correct (emphasis mine): As the stunning and overwhelming response to Prime Minister Netanyahu in...

Kathleen Commencement season is upon us, which means that insipid celebrities of all flavors will bestow their opinions upon a new generation of bright-eyed college grads. Notable was former President Bill Clinton. His prose at the NYU graduation read like so: “today’s business schools are...

Kathleen It doesn’t come as any surprise to me that Nancy Pelosi would rob her constituents of the glories of Obamacare. After all, wouldn’t the definition of a cold-hearted politician be someone who withholds the most monumental legislation of their Congress from their own electorate?...

A campaign by Think Progress to demonize and marginalize the Koch brothers has jumped the shark. No, I’m not referring to the cretin who posted a comment here calling me a “Koch whore.” No, I’m not referring to the theft of David Koch’s identity by a...

They just can’t let go of the issues of where Obama was born or his religion. Not Obama’s opponents, but his political and media supporters, who insist on a political purity test from Republicans, and who use the “refused to repudiate” line of attack on all...

Ms. Speaker, tear down that nameplate: Here is an image of the doorway in happier (for Pelosi) days. ——————————————–Related Posts:Bumper Stickers – The Series Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!

There are some topics I only want to cover once: President Obama being elected, Nancy Pelosi being named Speaker of the House, etc. etc. There are some topics, however, that I can’t get enough of reading about, and insane conspiracy theories involving Israeli trained attack...

Here are Legal Insurrection’s Official predictions for 2011: Obama will give an unscripted speech announcing he is resigning to take a year-long road trip to play golf in each of the 57 states. Joe Biden, the second in line to the presidency, will become President upon Obama’s resignation,...

Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) is upset with regulations issued by Obama’s EPA to regulate carbon emissions.  These regulations are one of the ways Obama will implement parts of his cap-and-trade plans without Congress having to pass a cap-and-trade bill. Since West Virginia is a big coal state,...

I told you the liberal Democrats who were protesting the “tax deal” would not buck Obama, and would fall in line. So no surprise to see this headline at The Hill, Liberals giving up tax fight: A House liberal who has led the effort to...

News crossing the wires is that the Democrats in the House have rejected Obama’s tax deal with Republicans in a non-binding vote: The House Democratic Caucus on Thursday rejected the tax deal negotiated between the White House and Senate Republicans. The non-binding vote of the...

Democratic Party leaders didn’t get the message of Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts. There is no sign they received the message of November 2, either. Nancy Pelosi, fresh off her victory celebration, is in no mood to compromise on keeping tax rates from going up: House Speaker...