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If you only read Media Matters and Think Progress, you’d think Rush Limbaugh was on the verge of losing his radio empire because 50 or more advertisers “dropped” him. While Limbaugh has lost some important advertisers, it appears that many of the advertisers dropping him...

Working on posts about Santorum’s 2004 endorsement of and campaigning with Arlen Specter (and the false meme that we would not have Alito and Roberts if not for Santorum helping re-elect Specter), and another name to add to Operation Counterweight. But for now you’ll have...

This could not wait for Saturday Night, because it is just way too bizarre an attempt to turn nothing into a charge of racism. Short background:  Pete Hoekstra, running for Senate from Michigan against Debbie Stabenow, ran a commercial in Michigan during the Super Bowl...

Clinical observation: But Politico’s traffic losses appear to be part of a year-long trend on the  political left. Media Matters For America’s website, for instance, lost 56.83  percent of its unique visitors between November 2010 and November 2011. In the  same 12-month period, Talking Points...

Here are some things going on: Correlation or Causation? Supreme Court to take Arizona immigration law case, Kagan recuses herself.  Some of See my prior post.  Court previously upheld in part unrelated Arizona E-verify law. Why Romney is wrong and Gingrich is right on capital gains...

Crain’s New York has an article detailing how Occupy Wall Street and union protesters are taking the fight to the personal lives of executives who oppose them by disrupting their ability to go to restaurants and other day-to-day activities. As the Occupy Wall Street movement...

Sarah Palin justifiably is outraged at the latest Joe McGinniss outrage. In addition to knowing that McGinniss and Random House published lies about her, Palin now has evidence not usually available to libel plaintiffs, in the form of an e-mail obtained by Andrew Breitbart in...

Yesterday The National Enquirer and the blog equivalents (Wonkette, Gawker, TBogg) ran two hot button headlines about Sarah Palin based on a preview of a book written by creepy stalker Joe McGinniss.  You know the allegations, so it’s not worth repeating (see Robert Stacy McCain’s...

Andrew Sullivan says “my bad,” but it’s worse than my bad (h/t Tom Maguire): Piper Palin As Bodyguard Is it too outrageous to ask why this little girl is not in school, rather than acting as a media bouncer for her mother on a publicity/campaign...

Specifically, tell me about Paul Ryan as a presidential candidate, now that there are murmurings that he may jump in. Why not?  Republicans are going to have to defend the Ryan plan, who better to do it than Ryan.  Someone who conveys a seriousness about policy without...

Ken Layne, the owner and lead editor of Wonkette, is in damage control mode over the article by recent college grad Jack Stuef ripping into and mocking Trig Palin. Dave Weigel (h/t Instapundit) received this e-mail from Layne: I have four kids myself and I wouldn’t want...

On July 28, 2009, I posted about the obsession at Wonkette, a widely read liberal website, with attacking Trig Palin, Wonkette Goes After Trig Palin Again.  The author of the Wonkette article which was the focus of the 2009 post was Ken Layne, the co-owner of Wonkette after...

I really hate to do this, but I am going to link to Gawker. Because this headline is just too good to pass up: Dennis Kucinich Sues Congressional Cafeteria Over Olive Pit But to ease my conscience, I used the Google cache link.  You also can...

Here are Legal Insurrection’s Official predictions for 2011: Obama will give an unscripted speech announcing he is resigning to take a year-long road trip to play golf in each of the 57 states. Joe Biden, the second in line to the presidency, will become President upon Obama’s resignation,...