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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



Next week, the Biden administration might reinstate Trump's remain in Mexico policy, which forces migrants to stay on the other side of the border while their applications are being processed. This will undoubtedly cause gnashing of teeth from leftists, who have convinced themselves that any and all Trump policies are inherently evil.

New York City Council is preparing to allow almost a million non-citizens to vote in local elections. How is this supposed to work in federal election years? Separate ballots for local and national elections? A cynical person might think that this is just a first step to ultimately allowing all illegal immigrants to vote in all elections.

New York City is removing a statue of President Theodore Roosevelt from the Museum of Natural History and sending it to North Dakota. Can we finally stop pretending that this has anything to do with inclusiveness and admit it's really about the erasure of American history?

Welcome to our ongoing coverage of the Ahmaud Arbery case trial, in which Travis McMichael, Greg McMichael, and William “Ryan” Bryan are on trial on charges of murder and other felonies over the shooting death of Ahmaud Arbery on February 23, 2020, in Brunswick, GA.   We are entering Day 2 of Jury Deliberations.

John Kass: "The media got it wrong the way they’ve gotten other stories wrong, and for the same reasons, from media attacks on innocent Covington, Ky. teenager Nicholas Sandman, or media stubbornly pushing the false “Russia Collusion” narrative that is now completely falling apart."...

Today the jury heard the last of argument and received their jury instructions in the Arbery case trial, in which defendants Greg McMichael, Travis McMichael, and Roddy Bryan are each facing a count of malice murder, four counts of felony murder, and then the four predicate felony counts (two for aggravated assault and two for false imprisonment). In the interests of keeping our coverage somewhat orderly, I’m going to address each of the day’s major events—the closing rebuttal of ADA Linda Dunikoski and the reading of the instructions to the jury by Judge Timothy Walmsley—separately.  I covered the Dunikoski rebuttal in my previous piece of content, so here I’ll cover Judge Walmsley’s instruction of the jury.

Today the jury heard the last of argument and received their jury instructions in the Arbery case trial, in which defendants Greg McMichael, Travis McMichael, and Roddy Bryan are each facing a count of malice murder, four counts of felony murder, and then the four predicate felony counts (two for aggravated assault and two for false imprisonment). In the interests of keeping our coverage somewhat orderly, I’m going to address each of the day’s major events—the closing rebuttal of ADA Linda Dunikoski and the reading of the instructions to the jury by Judge Timothy Walmsley—separately.  Here I’ll cover Dunikoski’s rebuttal.