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Ann Coulter makes that point about DiFi’s response to Ted Cruz, which we featured yesterday. I agree in theory, because Offended should not be an acceptable answer. But, Offended is accepted as an answer virtually everywhere, particularly on campuses, unless the person offended is a...

I didn’t watch the Romney interview. I have nothing against him or Ann, I’m just not interested in fighting yesterday’s battles. Learn from them, yes. Refight them, no.  Steve at Comment Cents has the video if you are interested. I spent some time on the attacks...

I don’t claim to be a marketing genius, and I don’t drink much (at which point you collectively say, “that explains a lot”), but it truly made no sense to me when Maker’s Mark decided to dilute its bourbon. It has surrendered to the outcry:...

It’s a good thing for anti-Semites that Israel exists.  If it weren’t for the Jewish state, they’d have no place to hide their “socialism of fools.”  What used to be considered déclassé—“Jews run the world,”etc.—can now be safely repackaged with little or no criticism as...

Ted Cruz is making all the right enemies, and they are out for him often and early. For Marco Rubio the meme is WATER, for Cruz it’s NASTY. The title of this NY Times article originally was Ted Cruz Runs Counter To The Senate’s Courtly...

The Washington Free Beacon reported today about a speech Hagel gave in 2007 — as reported at the time by one of his supporters — that the State Department had become an “adjunct” to the Israeli Foreign Ministry. Hagel supporters are fuming, but he was...

I have not been on team anti-Chuck Hagel mostly because I didn’t know a lot about Chuck Hagel. But what I’m finding out is deeply troubling — including David Brooks’ excellent post highlighted in my post Hagel the perfect foil to manage military’s decline over...

I personally will never forget the horrendous 2009 Christmas Eve Senate vote for Obamacare. Around the same time, the “stimulus” legislation that eventually became the American Recovery and Investment Act was being bandied about the halls of Congress with tons of hyper-partisan theater. Now, it...

Grover Norquist is predicting a second, even larger Tea Party wave, via (h/t Instapundit): “We are about to have a Tea Party second wave that will dwarf the first wave and that is because while ‘spend too much’ brought the Tea Party into existence,...

I’ll have more in the morning, but my quick thoughts. Of course it was a bad defeat tonight.  Let’s not kid ourselves. We had a chance to stop the decline, and we didn’t. We held the House pretty strongly, so that’s good, and a reflection...

Reader Charles writes: It’s been something of a good week for conservatives, hasn’t it? Ted Cruz’s victory on Milton Friedman’s birthday seems to take the cake, as it were, as did Romney’s overseas trip and Glenn Beck’s Restoring Love. It’s at that last event in Arlington, Texas...

After Sarah and Todd Palin attended a rally for Ted Cruz in Texas yesterday, they stopped by a Chick-fil-A. Palin posted photos on her Facebook page and also sent out tweets about the visit (h/t Charles). Stopped by Chick-fil-A in The Woodlands to support a...