I didn’t watch the Romney interview. I have nothing against him or Ann, I’m just not interested in fighting yesterday’s battles. Learn from them, yes. Refight them, no. Steve at Comment Cents has the video if you are interested.
I spent some time on the attacks on Ted Cruz. You also should read Dan McLoughlin’s Jane Mayer’s McCarthyist Attack on Ted Cruz, and some old articles on Mayer’s hack attacks on the Koch brothers: Errors In Jane Mayer’s New Yorker Article Attacking the Kochs, More Distortions from Jane Mayer and New Yorker, and a lame defense of her from Gawker, The Desperate Campaign to Discredit Jane Mayer. First she went for the Koch brothers, then she went for Ted Cruz.
Liberal Super PAC Goes After Mitch McConnell’s ‘Chinese’ Wife. PigPAC, I mean Progress Kentucky, was behind it.
Egyptian documentary on Jews of Egypt might be pretty honest. They were kicked out, along with about half of Israel’s population who are from or are the descendants of refugees from Arab countries. See my prior post, Oh, those refugees whose property was taken.
In the beginning …. Me-Zine Journalism for Fun and (Sometimes) Profit:
Published: July 09, 2001
Mickey Kaus, a former reporter for Newsweek, works out of his home off the beach in Santa Monica, Calif., looking at a blue sliver of ocean, drawing in the balmy beach air, his usual work attire a mismatched, rumpled sweatsuit.
He writes his column between 11 p.m. and 2 a.m., for his three-year-old Web site, Kausfiles, a hodgepodge of his political opinions, rants from his readers, media critiques and links to other sites.
But the best part, Mr. Kaus says, is that in the six-month period through June his Web site has, unexpectedly, become profitable. Mr. Kaus said that after his expenses ($2,346), and considering his income ($1,000) from his one advertiser, Contentville, along with donations from readers, he has made a profit of $318.60.
”So call me a mogul,” he said.
Mr. Kaus is just one participant in a growing journalism format now known as the ”me-zine,” electronic magazines that feature the opinions of one man or one woman, writing alone, often late at night and often wearing pajamas, and indulging in the opinionated wordplay they all went into print journalism for and now find is much more fun — and sometimes profitable, however slightly — on the Internet.
[Note — China/Warren content removed to its own post.]

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wish google adsense did not ban me (right after posting some pro 2nd amendment stuff) so I could earn stuff.
other ad systems not targeted as well.
How is it that Princess Elizabeth doesn’t have hard hat on? Everybody else does? Or does she have enough self-awareness to know how ridiculous she would look?
The last great race on earth – Iditarod 41 – started a few hours ago in Willow, AK. Let’s wish the 66 mushers and their dogs a safe 1049 mile journey to Nome.
I actually listened to this race on radio in 1967 when I was in Fairbanks. Now that’s a few years more than 41, and it had been an event for years before I got there. Do you know why it’s “41”? I just emailed a buddy in Alaska to find out if he knows, but this race has a longer history than 41 years.
Should have checked before I posted. The 1967 race was much shorter and the race being held now started in 1973.
So, a little background. I tweet the idiocy of Democratic Underground most every night. Today, it was as if they read LI regularly. First was a loooong thread about a reformed felon having the nerve to win a primary of the special election for a felon that was just convicted: http://www.democraticunderground.com/1251290862
But the keeper of the day was “Who do we want to lead us in 2016”. I laughed so hard I almost fell out of my teepee: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10022454257
This is why LI is priceless!
The Jews of Egypt likely worked, and also likely some had considerable assets, land, money, whatever. Suppose Egypt took back a corresponding number of Arabs, calling themselves Palestinians today, and sold them formerly Jewish physical assets and remitted the money to Israel? Nah. Not gonna happen. The hate is too great.