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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



In September, we covered an incident at Arizona State University, where two white male students were approached in the school's multicultural center by two female students of color who berated them, telling them that their presence was offensive. The video went viral, and most people commenting on social media felt the female students were unreasonable and out of line.

The city council in New York recently voted to allow 800,000 non-citizens to vote in local elections, a move many people believe is a test run for the bigger goal of letting all illegal immigrants vote. Now Senate Republicans are pushing back by crafting legislation that would bar cities and states from receiving federal funds if they do this.

I’d like to share some quick observations on the conviction of Kim Potter on two counts of manslaughter over the shooting death of Daunte Wright.  I realize that the conviction is now a week past, but feel obliged to write up my closing thoughts on the case if only to close the circle on this trial on which we all invested considerable time and effort.

Since the departure of Meghan McCain, 'The View' has been struggling to find a replacement for her. Their search criteria may be a little too narrow. They don't want a never-Trumper who will just agree with all the other hosts, but they also don't want a woman who could be described as a Trump supporter.