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1) The apology The Washington Post reported Obama ends Israel visit by brokering end to dispute with Turkey: Prodded by President Obama, Israel and Turkey agreed Friday to end a three-year rift caused by a deadly Israeli commando raid on a Turkish ship bound for...

1) When elephants crash land Recently, I brought up an example of how Professor Barry Rubin handled a mistake. First he admitted it. Then he explained the forces involved. His behavior showed a few things. 1) He is serious about what he has written. 2)...

Why does Juan Williams negatively stereotype oppressed minorities?  Here’s what he said about crime in the inner city: There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery....

The latest meme being pushed is that Sarah Palin somehow, someway, compared Obama to Hitler. Think Progress started it off with: Palin encourages followers to read column warning that the BP escrow fund could lead to a Nazi-like dictatorship Greg Sargent at The Washington Post...