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During a United Nations General Assembly summit on non-communicable diseases — a discussion that included diet and eating habits — New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said “governments at all levels must make healthy solutions the default social option.” Bloomberg is a fascist, but we’ve...

Not just this book. Sent by reader and photographer Bob who writes: In über-liberal Seattle, this is a brave act of insurrection. People here are real jerks about their liberalism.

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: A couple of weeks it was saggy-pants bias.  Now its poofy hair profiling. A mixed-race woman from Seattle is charging racism because TSA screeners asked to check her...

Kathleen I caught wind of the story of a girl who was volunteering in a Seattle public school over her spring break: “At the end of the week I had an idea to fill little plastic eggs with treats and jelly beans and other candy,...

Kathleen City Journal‘s Claire Berlinski has written a great article about the disinterest around Pavel Stroilov’s 50,000 unpublished, untranslated, top-secret Kremlin documents dating from the close of the Cold War. journalists [have] initially shown interest in the documents, only to [say] later that their editors...

Cousin of Michelle Malkin, has disappeared mysteriously in Seattle. Please spread the word, particularly those of you in the Seattle area. Here is the latest news report: Seattle Police say a missing persons detective will be investigating a University of Washington student reported missing Saturday....

The evidence mounts of bungled permitting, delays in response, and understating the impact: U.S. Said to Allow Drilling Without Needed Permits – “Those approvals, federal records show, include one for the well drilled by the Deepwater Horizon rig, which exploded on April 20, killing 11...

Dave Ross is a commentator for the CBS Radio Network. You probably never heard of him, and neither had I until today. His voice, though, sounded really familiar. Ross apparently has a morning show in the Pacific Northwest, but comes on the air nationally for...

Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs says he’s parting ways with the right because people who disagree with him are fascist, racist, homophobic, white supremacists. And he names names. In fact, this is just another attention getting ploy to get back at people who have...

The list of potential GOP presidential candidates just narrowed. If reports are accurate, a convict to whom Mike Huckabee granted clemency is sought in the killing of four Seattle policemen. This is Huck’s Willie Horton. Sure, there are differences. Horton committed rape while on weekend...

One of my enlightened readers from Seattle has a solution to save the planet. He took time out of his busy day to share the secret with me. And since this secret is so important, I will share the advice with you: Have a nice...

December 10, 2008 was the “Day Without A Gay” boycott. This foolish boycott was a reaction to California Prop. 8, which enshrined in the California state constitution the traditional definition of marriage. The essence of the boycott, which was modeled on the failed May 1,...

“Day Without A Gay.” If you only read the title, you would think this was a holiday invented by homophobes. But no, December 10, 2008, has been declared “Day Without A Gay” by … gay rights activists. Day Without A Gay is a protest against...

Actually, I don’t know if Joe Biden read my article, A Harvard Trial Lawyer for McCain, and whether he agrees. But Biden made a point that the world would try to test Obama because of Obama’s lack of experience. I made a similar point in...