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Alternative Title:  “Election losers embrace secession to escape evil President’s second term.” Tuesday, Nov 16, 2004 08:55 PM EST If at first you don’t secede Feeling they’ve lost any say in how the nation is run, liberals are turning to an unfamiliar philosophy: States’ rights....

High state income and property tax states like California, New York, and Illinois are automatic wins for Democrats, giving them a built-in electoral college advantage. And they stuck it to the rest of us. So it’s time for payback not out of vindictiveness, but in the...

I am more convinced than ever that a shock to the higher-ed system is needed. Universities have turned into political training grounds for can’t-do left-wing professors and administrators who use campuses as laboratories for churning out foot soldiers for the dependency state: Professor Denies Stalin Murdered Millions Florida...

When companies self-censor to wait until the days after the election to announce major layoffs. Via commenter conservativegram in the Tip Line: As Drudge would say-”Own it!” “Nextel to cut 20% of jobs at Virginia headquarters” In Past 48 hrs, following companies announded layoffs: Caterpillar, CVPH...

Each day until Election Day we will feature a previously unpublished photo sent in by a Legal Insurrection reader on National Empty Chair Day, September 3, 2012. The countdown continues with 3 days to go. Today’s Empty Chair photo feast is of photo submissions that include Joe Biden...

In case you missed it. The Election War is being fought on college campuses: Cartoon at the Cornell Insider Sums up 2012 Election This time around, young people voting with their pocketbooks not emotions Stupid campus mind games for Obama Cornell Review 2012 Election Guide...

Trying to get as many of the reader photos out as possible before the election, since they have expiration dates. This is from commenter LukeHandCool: My wife took this picture of a Romney banner on one of the fraternities at USC when she was dropping...

Each day until Election Day we will feature a previously unpublished photo sent in by a Legal Insurrection reader on National Empty Chair Day, September 3, 2012. The countdown continues with 6 days to go. Today’s first Empty Chair photo comes to us from Joy in Michigan who...

From Leslie Eastmen of Temple of Mut, and contributor at College Insurrection: I just came back from a Jousting Tournament with my family. As we were leaving the parking lot, fate had it that my husband’s eyes alighted upon a car with bumper stickers featuring...

Each day until Election Day we will feature a previously unpublished photo sent in by a Legal Insurrection reader on National Empty Chair Day, September 3, 2012. The countdown continues with 10 days to go. This week I thought it would be fun to roll out some of...

Each day until Election Day we will feature a previously unpublished photo sent in by a Legal Insurrection reader on National Empty Chair Day, September 3, 2012. The countdown continues with 12 days to go. Today’s Empty Chair photo comes to us from Sam in California. There’s something...

What would you think if you were told that the most bigoted, intolerant, hateful, and xenophobic political messages this election cycle are being spread by Obama supporters? From ridiculing and disrespecting the Mormon religion to spreading secretly taped videos recorded by an Obama supporter in a Mormon...

It’s a shame that Gloria Allred doesn’t represent herself in court. That way, she could work with both her favorite attorney and her favorite client. Actually, Allred does represent herself every time she calls a press conference with some aggrieved woman or another—whether it’s one...

Everyone is waiting for October Surprises to be  unloaded on Romney. The Obama campaign and its supporters are desperate, and that desperation will reach a fevered pitch this weekend  if Obama doesn’t get a meaningful bounce out of last night’s debate.  Few are predicting he will....

The wheels on the Obama bus are falling off. Unless someone can bring up an October surprise which allows the careening vehicle to hit Romney, the momentum is unmistakably against Obama. The man on the bus just unveiled a strategy of re-introducing himself to the American...