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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Today is the first day of Rosh Hoshanah, the start of the New Year (5771) in the Jewish calendar, and the first of the Days of Awe, culminating in Yom Kippur.So I'm taking the day off from blogging.  Which is a guarantee that there will...


Renee Ellmers is running for Congress in the 2d District of North Carolina against Bob Etheridge (you remember him, more below).Mrs. Ellmers was kind enough to tape a video for Legal Insurrection readers, asking for your support.  I'm completely on board for her campaign, and...

On September 3, I was interviewed by Stacey Simms of Charlotte's Morning News, 1110 WBT, about my blog post, CNN Distorts 60 Min./Vanity Fair Poll about Sarah Palin.The audio is here.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube ...

Via The Washington Post, a story about how 200 U.S. factory workers lost their jobs as part of the banning of incandesent light bulbs:The last major GE factory making ordinary incandescent light bulbs in the United States is closing this month...

My first foray into the Delaware Republican Senate primary a few days ago was to make the point that voters should select the candidate of their choice -- be it Mike Castle or Christine O'Donnell -- and not try to game the overall Senate outcome.In...

Obama can't let go of his war on the "rich."  It was an integral part of his campaign, and an even more integral part of his presidency.Obama's obsession with playing class warfare politics is his undoing, not because it necessarily loses him support in isolation, but because...

Kos Media sued Research 2000 back in late June, after incendiary accusations by Markos Moulitsas that Research 2000 issued fraudulent polling data.Now the parties have agreed on the "basic terms of settlement" which will require a "series of actions to be taken by each party"...

The last Gallup Generic Tracking Poll showed Republicans up by a historic 10 points.  I meant, the last Poll prior to the one just released, which a week later shows a tie.Any poll that swings 10 points over a week when there was no news is...

A few minutes ago I passed my 4 millionth blog visit, and weeks ago my 5 millionth page view.Visitor no. 4,000,000 was from Cantor Fitzgerald, the firm which lost 658 of its 960 New York-based employees in the 9/11 attack on The World Trade Center.Since starting...

It really is amazing how frequently and quickly Google Ads placing an advertisement on a blog on the topic of an article, often for a product or service which is the opposite of the point of the article.The screen shot below shows the advertisement for "streamlined"...

While you enjoyed your long weekend and your soft lives, those of us defending the gates were ever vigilant.In case you missed it, you may want to check out:It's al-Quds Day at WaPo (feat. George Bisharat) Saturday Night Card Game (NAACP Doubles Down With "") My...

From Kathleen Stewart, whose "It Ain't Your Money To Spend" previously graced these pages, comes Taking Out The Trash (in November): (Lyrics here) song lyrics and her album Taking Back America are available online, including the soon to be classic Blame It On The Last Administration.--------------------------------------------Follow me...

Via Memeorandum 9-6-2010, 10:00 p.m.:--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...

Obama's line, in his Labor Day speech in Milwaukee before union leaders and a union crowd, that "[t]hey talk about me like a dog," is getting all the attention.But you really need to read the entire speech.  It is classic Obama, living in a time...

On August 16 I wrote about how a post at the Coffee Party website, titled "Reversing the Coffee Party's decline," had been removed from the Coffee Party website after I called attention to the post on August 13.The removed post, along with dozens of comments,...

Prof. Stephen Bainbridge and Dan Riehl have been debating the Delaware Senate Republican primary, and whether it is worth electing "RINO" Mike Castle.  Bainbridge says yes, Riehl says no.I don't know enough about Castle or Christine O'Donnell to weigh in on whether Castle is a...