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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



"Marc Ambinder is the politics editor of The Atlantic. He has covered Washington for ABC News and the Hotline, and he is chief political consultant to CBS News."Given Ambinder's shoulder-deep mainstream media plumage, I was shocked to read that Ambinder thinks conservatives have gone mad.Much...

Seems like someone is learning from the Obama campaign, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Sheldon Whitehouse and other American Democrats.From last night's debate among candidates in Britain (emphasis mine): [Liberal Democrat candidate Nick] Clegg, tried to tie [Conservative candidate David] Cameron to right-wing extremists, a standard...

Welcome back, Blago. It's been a while. What took you so long to shed light on the intrigue among Obama, Rahm Emanuel and SEIU regarding the Senate appointment to replace Obama: Former Gov. Rod Blagojevich's lawyers asked a federal judge Thursday to force President Obama to testify...

The gloss is off the Obamacare rose, if it ever were there. The Office of the Actuary of Medicare has released a report which finds that Obamacare will increase, not decrease, health care costs, and ...

So reports The New York Times regarding a new conventional weapons system under development.In the recent arms control treaty signed with the Russians we agreed to count each of these new conventional weapons towards the nuclear weapons limits in the treaty, meaning that for each...

Steve Malanga wrote an excellent article for City Journal about how public sector unions have controlled, and ruined, California, The Beholden State:How public employees became members of the elite class in a declining California offers a cautionary tale to the rest of the country, where...

And of course, he is a Cornell Law School student, Class of 2010: video here) --------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter and Facebook...

Not since Sarah Palin gave an interview at a turkey processing farm has the left-wing blogosphere been so excited.The reason for the excitement?Sue Lowden, a Republican candidate for Senate in Nevada, mentioned that bartering is a legitimate means of obtaining health care services. She...

Obama is speaking at Cooper Union, in the heart of the New York financial district, which AP describes as follows (emphasis mine): Ramping up pressure for a financial overhaul, President Barack Obama is heading to the place where the economic meltdown began to argue for...

The civil charges being brought against Goldman Sachs on the eve of the push for financial reform have been politicized from day one by the Obama administration and Democrats.Civil charges can put pressure on a firm and industry, and in themselves can be destructive. Regardless...

With the Obama administration pushing for financial reforms, and the SEC having gone after Goldman Sachs for allegedly favoring a hedge fund client, the spotlight is on New York Senator Charles Schumer.Schumer has been a champion of Wall Street financial firms for years, particularly hedge...

Big news over the wires. The threatened Doorman Strike in New York City has been averted, Deal Reached That Averts a Walkout by Doormen:The owners of more than 3,200 apartment buildings in New York City reached an agreement on a new labor contract with the...

On March 11, I reported on a proposal by a New York State Democratic legislator to ban salt in restaurants, Leave Our Salt Alone.One political scientist, who also totally missed the Scott Brown election call, vehemently objected that the claim the government would regulate salt...

It would be easy to cheer as the Obama administration seeks to take down Goldman Sachs. After all, Goldman Sachs has become a proxy for Wall Street, since so many of the old icons no longer exist or have been consumed as a result of...

DEBKAfile is an Israeli website which focuses on intelligence, military affairs, and Middle East politics. It is a must-read and is on my list of "Blogs I Read" in the left sidebar.The site frequently breaks information about various intriques which we read about in the...

Oh, the world they live in. Surrounded by enemies, they sit in their guarded lairs waiting for "the other" to approach.And then it happens. The guards are no more, and they must face the menacing horde. Alone with their paranoia and hypocrisy and thousand...