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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Question:How many of the Journolists who object to the release of their e-mails regarding the 2008 presidential campaign will spend the next several days gloating over the publication by WikiLeaks of over 90,000 classified military documents regarding the war in Afghanistan?An inconvenient truth?--------------------------------------------Related Posts:What William...


Thanks to a reader from Rhode Island for sending photos of another multi-million dollar sidewalk project in our humble unit-of-measurement state.You will recall my now-classic post about the miles of sidewalks leading from Warren, Rhode Island, to the Massachusetts state line, Miles of Sidewalks, and...

"I am obliged to confess I should sooner live in a society governed by the first 400 names in the Boston telephone directory, than in a society governed by the 400 members of the Journolist."From iOwnTheWorld (click for ever increasing and updated photo montage)(via Instapundit):[Note to...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:Bet you thought I would write about When Andy Met Shirley. Sorry to disappoint.Tonight we delve into the world of diversity consultants.The diversity consultant industry is pretty much like...

Ezra Klein, proprietor of the Journolist, the day after Election Day, 2008: There was hardly a specter lurking in the American subconscious that [Barack Hussein Obama] did not call forth. And that was his great strength. He robbed fear of its ability to work through...

Sharron Angle's campaign finally is rolling out some good television commercials.It took Angle a full month to put together a professional campaign team and operation, since she ran the primary essentially from her living room.That month has given the highly professional -- but abusive --...

Based on reports of the hearing before the federal District Court Judge yesterday, it appears that the provision of the Arizona immigration law requiring law enforcement to verify immigration status is likely to survive, while other aspects creating independent state criminal sanctions will not.This outcome...

On February 18, 2010, I wrote a post titled Progressive Bloggers In The Wizard of Oz, about a trip by several "progressive" bloggers to meet at The White House with Jared Bernstein, Chief Economist to Vice President Joe Biden.The post carried a photo of serious-looking...

...Shirley Sherrod peaked.Yesterday.--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Still Waiting For ApologiesContext! For We, But Not For TheeFollow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...

We all know, as a matter of historical Harry Reid factoid, that the Iraq war was lost and the surge failed.We now also know, as a matter of historical Harry Reid factoid, that the federal government bailout of GM and Chrysler saved Ford:[youtube=]Reid is more...

Now that the left-wing blogosphere and Democratic media operatives Media Matters and Think Progress have found the Religion of Context when it comes to Shirley Sherrod ...

Matthew Yglesias, who blogs at Think Progress, July 21, The Shame of the Daily Caller:The Caller appears to have access to a very large proportion of JournoList emails and they can’t come up with anything that withstands cursory scrutiny.The Daily Caller, July 22:Blogger Matt Yglesias...

Am I the only one to see the multiple levels of irony in this?Ezra Klein, current employee of The Washington Post: "I actually expect this to be my final public comment on the subject."Nate Silver, future employee of The New York Times: "p.s. This is...

Nate Silver, soon to be blogging at The New York Times, is not waiting for The Daily Caller to expose more e-mails from the Journolist, in which Silver participated.So Silver is taking preemptive action to explain his involvement (emphasis mine):I made on the order of...

Ezra Klein, who organized the Journolist and now blogs at The Washington Post, declares that the expose by The Daily Caller has descended from tragedy into farce.The proof? Klein feels that The Daily Caller is not disclosing enough of the e-mails, which Klein feels would...

Such is now demanded by the NAACP in the Shirley Sherrod matter.You remember her. She's the Department of Agriculture person who, at an NAACP meeting in March, told a story about how 20 plus years ago she had discriminated against a white farmer because he...

The State of Arizona has filed its opposition to the lawsuit filed by the Department of Justice seeking an injunction preventing Arizona S.B. 1070 from taking effect on July 29.The hearing on the motion for preliminary injunction is set for July 22 at 1:30 p.m.Here...