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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


About 30 people in Providence, RI protested outside a Bank of America branch as part of's Tax Day: Make Them Pay national protest.The video below shows two of the protesters accompanied by someone taking video entering the bank to present a "tax bill" to BofA.  I...


We haven't heard much about Stuxnet recently, but there has been plenty of speculation that Stuxnet was only a temporary setback for the Iranian nuclear program.  The Iranians have bragged that they have even more advanced centrifuges at work now.But this outburst by an Iranian...

starts tonight.  I'll repeat my post from 2009:Passover Is No Time To Wish For The End Of Christian America ...

is that the real news is too depressing, which probably is why a reader sent this to me.  Nothing like Cowboy Monkey Rodeo to bring a smile to your* face:* It probably would be more correct to say "a smile to one's face."  I wanted...

KathleenI swear I can explain my absence from Sundays posting cycle. Well, sort of -- kind of.. I mean, I can't tell too much...

WikiLeaks just released classified U.S. diplomatic cables indicating that since the second term of George Bush and continuing at least into part of the Obama term, the U.S. has provided funding to opposition groups in Syria.  As reported by The Washington Post:The State Department has...

For almost the entire two and one-half years I've been blogging I've had to put up with Paul Krugman accusing Republicans, conservatives and Tea Party supporters of inciting violence through heated rhetoric over policy differences, particularly Obamacare.I've even started a tag for Paul Krugman, which prior...

...(Whitney Point, NY, 4-17-2011)And we we should give further thanks that the current President of the United States understands the forces which come together in what we sometimes call "markets."  Because if we had as President someone less highly credentialed, less schooled in economic theory,...

are black Tea Party supporters, who must endure taunts like this:(h/t Breitbart)--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

In using that term, Sarah Palin issued a political call to action directed at the men who rule the Republican Party:"We didn’t elect you just to rearrange the deck chairs on a sinking Titanic," Palin said during a rally in front of the Wisconsin statehouse in...

Israeli has arrested two teenage Palestininians from a village near where the Fogel family lived for the murder of the five Fogel family members, including three children.  As reported by the Jersusalem Post (h/t Israel Matzav):Two Palestinian youths from the village of Awarta were arrested in...

On display in Madison, Wisconsin today, as related to me by reader Jim, who sent this photo:"This guy was next to me screaming for two hours. Here he is showing civility and tolerance to Sarah Palin."What can I say, I look for the good in...

KathleenDid Steve Jobs get killed by creating an iPad? Or did Jesse Jackson Jr. skip reading Bastiat?I report, you decide. --------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

Hopefully this live feed will work for you, I'll also post updates.  Click on the large centered play button if you want to open it in a different window, or on the small play button at the bottom left if you want to view it...