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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Matt Lewis at The Daily Caller argues that taking a compromise deal allowed Republicans to avoid blame for the S&P downgrade (although David Axelrod and John Kerry are claiming otherwise) and any other negative consequences: In the few days since the debt ceiling was raised, the Dow has...


Soon after the raid in which Obama got bin Laden took place, as Obama was in the midst of his not-spiking-the-football victory lap, I asked readers to predict when Hollywood would roll out a major motion picture about the raid in order to help Obama's...

Thanks to reader and blogger Voting Female for alerting me to the new hashtag #ObamaDownGradeExcuse. Considering how much fun readers had with #BeforeBlackPresidents, there should be some good tweets and comments coming. Here's my contribution: ...

Yesterday I reported how the Dean of Widener Law School, Linda Ammons, had sentenced conservative law professor Lawrence Connell to a psychiatric evaluation and "anger management" therapy: Professor Connell will comply with all conditions and recommendations issued by the psychiatrist/psychologist, including, without limitation, appropriate counseling and...

Graeme Zielinski, Communications Director for the Wisconsin Democratic Party, is quite a guy.  He was a focus of a post here last month when he tweeted that people should celebrate the 45th anniversay of Medicare by "punching a Republican."  He then claimed he was just joking. But...

... the owner of this vehicle. Saw this in the parking lot of a local supermarket in Rhode Island:   Update: One LI reader took the post title as an insult, believing that I was referring to Texans and the car owner as idiots (which is how the...

Consider this just an ideas open thread. Keep it clean, children could be reading. I'll start:  There is a deep sadness at the loss of members of SEAL Team 6.  Every soldier is valuable and mourned, but this tragedy seems to be special. Updates:  This chart from Division...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: It never ends. The attempt to turn disagreement with the policies of the Obama administration into a racial issue. In the past weeks, as there was a dispute over raising the...

Barack Obama never put forth a debt reduction plan.  Ever. All Obama did was talk in generalities about what he might be willing to consider as part of a "grand bargain," but it always was vague, the equivalent of voting present.  But when Republicans put forth...

Let me guess, you still will vote for The One because this bumper sticker was pre-2008, right? Spotted in my neighborhood in Rhode Island, on the same vehicle as in Thursday's post: ...

S&P has dropped the U.S. credit rating from AAA to AA+: The United States' credit rating was cut for the first time when Standard and  Poor's lowered it from triple-A to AA+, citing the country's looming deficit  burden and weak policy-making process. Standard and Poor's on Friday...

So who are the global warming deniers, the people who treat projections and models as the gospel truth, or the scientists who keep investigating and questioning? This report from the BBC leads one to conclude that those who most frequently shout that the scientific "consensus" must...

One of the greatest mistakes we make is to confuse academic credentials with leadership. Barack Obama, who guards his transcripts like they're the equivalent of the formula to Coke, presumably had very good grades at Harvard Law School because he graduated with high honors, a purely grade-based achievement. ...

The breadth and depth of the Obama's administrations screwed up priorities is straggering. It's not bad enough that they are on the wrong side of big government history domestically, we have witnessed a wholesale abdication of power abroad in a myriad of ways. This story at Commentary,...

This is a very curious development, via The Wall Street Journal: Bank of New York Mellon Corp. on Thursday took the extraordinary step of telling large clients it will charge them to hold cash. The unusual move means some U.S. depositors will have to pay to keep big...

I told you this was coming. From Reuters via Yahoo, in explaining why the new unemployment numbers, while better than "expected," still were not great: A stand-off between Democrats and Republicans over raising the country's debt ceiling poisoned the atmosphere for employers and consumers....